Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View HMRP-11-01 Phyllanthus niruri L. IMUNCARE 25 mg/5 mL Syrup HERBAL MEDICINE (IMMUNOMODULATOR) PT FERRON PAR PHARMACEUTICALS India Automatic Renewal 06 January 2024 23 November 2029
View HMRP-12 PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI L. (MENIRAN WHOLE PLANT) STIMUNO 250 mg Capsule (equivalent to 50 mg extract) HERBAL MEDICINE (IMMUNOMODULATOR) PT Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals Indonesia Renewal 23 November 2023 24 July 2029
View HMRP-12-01 Phyllanthus niruri L. (Meniran Whole Plant) Imuncare 250 mg (equivalent to 50 mg extract) Capsule HERBAL MEDICINE (IMMUNOMODULATOR) PT.Dexa Medica Indonesia Renewal 31 December 2023 24 July 2029
View HMRP-13 DLBS3233 Lagerstroemia Speciosa (L.) Pers. (Banaba Leaf) And Cinnamomum Burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) Blume (Indonesian Cinnamon Bark) Inlacin 100 mg Capsule - PT. Dexa Medica Indonesia - 28 July 2020 11 April 2026
View HMRP-14 Dlbs1442 Phaleria Macrocarpa (Scheff. Boerl. (Mahkota Dewa Fruit) Vitafem Free Me 75mg Capsule - PT Dexa Medica Indonesia - 04 February 2020 02 September 2024
View HMRP-15 Dlbs2411 Cinnamomum Burmannii (Nees & T. Nees) Blume (Indonesian Cinnamon Bark) Anerdic 250mg Tablet HERBAL MEDICINE (FOR THE SYMPTOMATIC RELIEF OF GASTRITIS, HEARTBURN AND GASTRIC HYPERACIDITY) PT. Dexa Medica Indonesia Automatic Renewal 13 March 2023 18 September 2028
View HMRP-16 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Ofplemed Forte 600 mg/5 mL Syrup (Menthol Flavor) - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines - 01 December 2021 30 March 2025
View HMRP-17 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Ofplemed Forte 600 mg/ 5 mL Syrup (Menthol Flavor) - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines - 02 December 2021 30 March 2025
View HMRP-18 Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Ginger Rhizome) Herbavomitz 150mg/10mL Syrup - PT Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals Indonesia Initial [HM][OTC][PCPR][CORRECTION] 26 March 2021 19 February 2026
View HMRP-19 Nigella sativa L. (Black Cumin) Seed + Phaleria macrocarpa (God's Crown) Fruit Flesh Herbacold 150mg Film-Coated Tablet - PT Dexa Medica Indonesia - 14 April 2021 14 April 2026
View HMRP-2 Blumea Balsamifera (L.) DC (Sambong Leaf) AWANAY 250mg Tablet Herbal Medicine (Diuretic) Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 11 March 2022 19 May 2027
View HMRP-2-01 Blumea Balsamifera (L.) DC (Sambong Leaf) Herbakid 250 mg Tablet Herbal Medicine (Diuretic) Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines Automatic Renewal 07 April 2022 19 May 2027
View HMRP-2-02 Blumea Balsamifera (L.) DC (Sambong Leaf) Kidneygen 250 mg Tablet Herbal Medicine (Diuretic) Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc, Philippines Automatic Renewal 04 April 2022 19 May 2027
View HMRP-21 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Ascof Forte 600 mg Capsule Herbal Medicine (Anti-cough / Anti-asthma) Pascual Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal (PCPR Conversion) 29 May 2023 17 October 2028
View HMRP-22 Vitex Negundo L (Lagundi Leaf) Clircaf Forte 600mg Tablet - Lifesquare Laboratories Inc. Philippines Initial (HR) 29 June 2021 29 June 2026
View HMRP-23 Vitex Negundo L (Lagundi Leaf) Clircaf 300mg Tablet - Lifesquare Laboratories Inc. Philippines Initial (HR) 29 June 2021 29 June 2026
View HMRP-24 Vitex Negundo L (Lagundi Leaf) Clircaf 300mg/5mL Syrup (Strawberry Flavor) - Lifesquare Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 29 June 2021 29 June 2026
View HMRP-25 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Clircaf Forte 600mg/5mL Syrup (Strawberry Flavor) - Lifesquare Laboratories Inc. Philippinwa - 29 June 2021 29 June 2026
View HMRP-26 Vitex Negundo L.(Lagundi Leaf) Ofplemed 300 mg/5mL Syrup (Orange Flavor) Herbal Medicine (Anti-cough/Antiasthma) Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 28 February 2022 10 April 2027
View HMRP-26-01 Vitex negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Ragundi 300 mg/ 5 mL Syrup (Orange Flavor) Herbal Medicine (Anti-cough/Antiasthma) Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc Philippines CLIDP Conversion 29 April 2022 10 April 2027