Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View HMR-21 Cimicifuga Racemosa L (Black Cohosh Root & Rhizome) Remifemin 20mg Tablet Non-Hormonal Gynecological Phytomedicine Schaper & Brimmer GmbH & Co. KG Germany Automatic Renewal 21 September 2021 05 February 2027
View HMR-24 Blumea Balsamifera L. (Sambong Leaf) Re-Leaf 250mg Tablet Diuretic/ Anti-urolithiasis Pascual Laboratories, Inc Philippines Automatic Renewal 01 October 2021 14 November 2026
View HMR-25 Astralagus membranaceus (Radix astragali)- 227.5mg Angelica sinensis (Chinese angelica)-162.5mg Herba solani lyrati (Lyrate nightshade)-130mg Herba solani nigra (Long kui cao)-130mg Zilongjin N/I Tablet - Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical Group Corporation Limited Longshunrong Pharmaceutical Factory China Renewal 05 August 2022 15 May 2025
View HMR-26 Herba Thujae Occidentalis (White Cedar Leaf) + Radix Echinaceae (Cone Flower Root) + Radix Baptisiae Tinctoriae (Wild Indigo Root) Esberitox N 2mg / 7.5mg / 10mg Tablet - Schaper & Brummer GmbH & Co. KG Germany - 14 December 2020 13 January 2026
View HMR-32 Vitex negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Ascof Forte 600 mg / 5 mL Syrup Antiasthma (Bronchodilator) Pascual Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 15 August 2023 29 October 2028
View HMR-37 Vitex negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Lagundex 300 mg/5 mL Syrup (Lemon Orange) Herbal Medicine (Anti-Cough/Anti-Asthma) La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines Renewal 24 January 2024 18 March 2029
View HMR-38 Vitex negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Lagundex 300 mg/5 mL Syrup (Peppermint Flavor) Herbal Medicine (Anti-Cough/Anti-Asthma) La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines Renewal 23 January 2024 18 March 2029
View HMR-39 VITEX NEGUNDO L. (LAGUNDI LEAF) PLEMEX FOR KIDS 300mg/5mL Syrup HERBAL MEDICINE (ANTI-COUGH/ANTI-ASTHMA) Hizon Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 06 May 2024 04 June 2029
View HMR-42 VITEX NEGUNDO L. (LAGUNDI LEAF) PLEMEX FORTE 600mg/5mL Syrup HERBAL MEDICINE (ANTI-COUGH / ANTI-ASTHMA) Hizon Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 17 May 2024 04 June 2029
View HMR-45 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Lagundex 600mg Tablet Herbal Medicine (Anti-Cough/Anti-Asthma) La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 08 January 2023 16 April 2028
View HMR-47_PIL_01.pdf HMR-47 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) ASTROL 300mg/5mL Syrup - La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines - 29 December 2020 23 November 2024
View HMR-48_PIL_01.pdf HMR-48 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) ASTROL 600 mg Tablet - La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines - 21 February 2020 26 November 2024
View HMR-49 Vitex negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Plemex Forte (Lemon-Menthol Flavor) 600mg/5mL syrup - Hizon Laboratories, Inc. philippines - 26 December 2019 15 March 2025
View HMR-50 Vitex negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Plemex Forte (Banana Flavor) 300mg/5mL syrup - Hizon Laboratories, Inc. philippines - 26 December 2019 15 March 2025
View HMR-52 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Plemex Forte 600 mg capsule - Hizon Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 19 July 2021 11 June 2025
View HMR-59 Sambong Leaf (Blumea Balsamifera L.) Uricare 250 mg Tablet - Northfield Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 14 December 2020 15 November 2025
View HMR-63 Vitex Negundo L. Lagundi Leaf Lagundex 300 mg/5mg Syrup (Sweet-Orange Flavor) - La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 17 February 2021 17 January 2026
View HMR-64 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Lagundex Forte 600 mg/5mL Syrup (Soothing Mint Flavor) - La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines - 23 June 2021 17 January 2026
View HMR-67 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Nocof 600 mg/5 mL Syrup (Peppermint Flavor) Herbal Medicine (Anticough/Antiasthma) Northfield Laboratories Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 16 March 2021 08 February 2026
View HMR-68 Vitex negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Nocof 300 mg/5mL Syrup (Strawberry Flavor) - Northfield Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 16 March 2021 08 February 2026