Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View HMR-159 DLBS1442 Phaleria macocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl. (Mahkota Dewa Fruit) Vitafem Free Me 75 mg Capsule - PT Dexa Medica Indonesia - 02 September 2019 02 September 2024
View HMR-160 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Cafgard 300mg/5mL Syrup Herbal Medicine (Anti-Asthma/Anti-Cough) Square Pharmaceutical, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 28 November 2022 14 October 2027
View HMR-161 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Cafgard 300mg Tablet Herbal Medicine (Antiasthma/Anti-cough) Square Pharmaceutical, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 08 November 2022 14 October 2027
View HMR-162 Blumea Balsamifera L. (Sambong Leaf) Rhenalaid 500 mg Tablet - Northfield Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 20 January 2020 20 January 2025
View HMR-164 Herbavomitz Zingiber Officinale (Ginger Rhizome) 150 mg/10 mL Syrup - PT Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals Indonesia - 12 May 2021 12 May 2026
View HMR-165 Blumea balsamifera L. (Sambong Leaf) None 250 mg Tablet - Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care Philippines - 12 July 2021 12 July 2026
View HMR-166 Vitex negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) None 300 mg Tablet - Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care Philippines - 12 July 2021 12 July 2026
View HMR-167 Radix baptisiae tinctoriae (Wild Indigo Root) + Radix echinaceae purpureae (Purple Coneflower Root) + Radix echinaceae pallidae (Pale Coneflower Root) + Herba thujae occidentalis (White Cedar Leaf) Esberitox Compact Radix baptisiae tinctoriae (Wild Indigo Root) 53 mg Radix echinaceae purpureae (Purple Coneflower Root) 20 mg Radix echinaceae pallidae (Pale Coneflower Root) 20 mg Herba thujae occidentalis (White Cedar Leaf) Tablet Immune Stimulator (Herbal Medicine) Schaper and Brümmer Germany Renewal 15 May 2024 14 July 2029
View HMR-168 Pelargonium sidoides DC. None 12.5mg/ 5mL Syrup Cough & Cold Relief Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Initial 09 February 2022 09 February 2027
View HMR-169 Pelargonium sidoides DC None 20mg/ 5mL Syrup - Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 09 February 2022 09 February 2027
View HMR-17 Blumea balsamifera L. (Sambong Leaf) Re-Leaf Forte 500 mg Tablet Anti-urolithiasis/Diuretic Pascual Lab., Inc Philippines Renewal 12 June 2024 30 September 2029
View HMR-170 Pelargonium sidoides DC. Root None 20mg Softgel Capsule Cough and Cold Relief UNILAB, Inc. Philippines Initial 21 February 2022 21 February 2027
View HMR-171_PIL_01.pdf HMR-171 Carica papaya (Papain) + Anethum graveolens L. (Dill oil fruit) + Pimpinella anisum L. (Anise oil fruit) + Carum carvi L. (Caraway oil fruit) + Alpha amylase Neopeptine 10 mg/2 mg/2 mg/2 mg/20 mg per mL Syrup (Oral Drops) Herbal Medicine (for the treatment of indigestion and flatulence) Raptakos Brett & Co. Ltd. India Initial 30 March 2022 30 March 2027
View HMR-172 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Plemex Tablet 600mg Tablet - Northfield Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 29 April 2022 29 April 2027
View HMR-173 Blumea Balsamifera L. (Sambong) Leaf None 500 mg Tablet - La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines Initial (OTC) 29 July 2022 29 July 2027
View HMR-175 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Flumexal 300 mg Tablet - La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines Initial (HR) 17 January 2023 17 January 2028
View HMR-176 Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC (Sambong Leaf) Uro-Leaf 500 mg Tablet - Northfield Laboratories Inc. Philippines Initial 14 March 2023 14 March 2028
View HMR-177 Vitex Negundo L. Lagundi Leaf Lagundex Forte 600 mg/5 mL Syrup (Peppermint Flavor) - La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines Initial 02 August 2023 02 August 2028
View HMR-178 Centaurium erythea Rafn s.1. (Centaury herb)/ Levistivum officinale Koch., radix (Lovage root)/ Rosmarinus officinalis L., folium (Rosemary leaf) Canephron Uno 36 mg/36 mg/36 mg Sugar-Coated Tablet - Rottendorf Pharma GmbH Germany Initial 16 October 2023 16 October 2028
View HMR-18 Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Ascof 300mg Tablet Cough Remedy / Anti-asthma Pascual Laboratories, Inc Philippines Automatic Renewal 25 January 2022 16 January 2027