
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
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View DRP-9170-04 Budesonide Bronchonide 250 mcg/mL (500 mcg/2 mL) Suspension for Nebulization Prescription Drug (Rx) - Legency Remedies Pvt. Ltd India CLIDP Conversion 23 July 2023 22 September 2025
View DRP-9170-05 Budesonide Broncort 250 mcg/mL (500 mcg/2 mL) Suspension for Nebulization Prescription Drug (Rx) Glucocorticoid Legency Remedies Pvt. Ltd India CLIDP Conversion 31 December 2023 22 September 2025
View DRP-9170-06 Budesonide Retaflow 250 mcg / mL (500 mcg / 2 mL) Suspension for Nebulization Prescription Drug (Rx) Glucocorticoid Legency Remedies Pvt. Ltd. India CLIDP Conversion 12 July 2024 22 September 2025
View DRP-9171 Telmisartan + Amlodipine (As Besilate) Tamilopin-40 40 mg / 5 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - KOLMAR KOREA CO., LTD. Korea - 25 September 2020 25 September 2025
View DRP-9171-01 Telmisartan + Amlodipine (Besilate) TEL-AMLO 40 40 mg/5 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR BLOCKER/ CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER Genuone Sciences Inc Korea - 21 March 2022 25 September 2025
View DRP-9171-02 Telmisartan + Amlodipine (as besilate) Teldipin-40 40 mg/5 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - Genuone Sciences Inc Korea CLIDP Conversion 10 March 2023 25 September 2025
View DRP-9172 Telmisartan + Amlodipine (As Besilate) Tamilopin-80 80 mg / 5 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - KOLMAR KOREA CO., LTD. Korea - 25 September 2020 25 September 2025
View DRP-9172-01 Telmisartan + Amlodipine (Besilate) Tel-Amlo 80 80 mg/5 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR BLOCKER/ CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER Genuone Sciences Inc. Korea - 24 March 2022 25 September 2025
View DRP-9172-02 Telmisartan + Amlodipine (as besilate) Teldipin-80 80 mg/5 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - Genuone Sciences Inc Korea CLIDP Conversion 28 February 2023 25 September 2025
View DRP-9173 Bortezomib Kemizob 3.5 mg Lyophilized Powder For Solution For Injection (I.V./S.C.) Prescription Drug (Rx) - Venus Remedies Limited India - 25 September 2020 25 September 2025
View DRP-9173-1 Bortezomib Delexomib 3.5 mg Lyophilized Powder for Injection (S.C./I.V.) Prescription Drug (Rx) Antineoplastic Agent (Proteasome Inhibitor) Venus Remedies Ltd India CLIDP Conversion 19 May 2023 25 September 2025
View DRP-9174 Parecoxib (as sodium) Sancox 40 mg Lyophilized Powder For Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) - Gufic Biosciences Ltd. India PCPR 25 September 2020 02 October 2025
View DRP-9174-01 Parecoxib (As sodium) Relifast 40 mg Lyophilized Powder For Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (RX) - Gufic Biosciences India Initial 06 August 2021 02 October 2025
View DRP-9175 Ascorbic Acid + Zinc (As Sulfate Monohydrate) Hav C Plus 600 mg/ 137.25 mg (equivalent to 50 mg elemental Zinc) Capsule Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines - 25 September 2020 25 September 2025
View DRP-9176 Budesonide Budecton 200 mcg Dry Powder in Capsule for Oral Inhalation Prescription Drug (Rx) - World Medicine Ilac Sanayi Ve Tiracet A.S. Turkey - 28 September 2020 28 September 2025
View DRP-9177 Ceftazidime (as Pentahydrate) Ceftazim 1g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) - Kukje Pharm Ind. Co., Ltd. Korea - 28 September 2020 28 September 2025
View DRP-9177-01 Ceftazidime (As Pentahydrate) Armazidime 1 g Powder For Injection (IV / IM) Prescription Drug (RX) - Kukje Pharma Co., Ltd. Korea - 17 September 2021 28 September 2025
View DRP-9178 Paracetamol + Guaifenesin + Phenylpropanolamine HCl + Dextromethorphan HBr + Chlorphenamine maleate Paratuss 325 mg/50 mg/30 mg/15 mg/1 mg Capsule Over-the-Counter (OTC) - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines  Initial [OTC] [Revalidation] 04 August 2023 28 September 2025
View DRP-9178-02 Paracetamol + Guaifenesin + Phenylpropanolamine HCl + Dextromethorphan HBr + Chlorphenamine maleate Maxituss 325 mg/50 mg/30 mg/15 mg/1 mg Capsule Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug Analgesic/Expectorant/Nasal Decongestant/Antitussive/Antihistamine Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc. Philippines CLIDP Conversion 13 October 2023 28 September 2025
View DRP-9178-03 Paracetamol + Guaifenesin + Phenylpropanolamine HCl + Dextromethorphan HBr + Chlorphenamine Maleate Tuceedcap 325 mg/50 mg/30 mg/15 mg/1 mg Capsule Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug Analgesic/Expectorant/Nasal Decongestant/Antitussive/Antihistamine Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc. Philippines CLIDP Conversion 31 December 2023 28 September 2025