
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRP-9081 Esomeprazole (As Magnesium Trihydrate) Esometor 40 40 mg Delayed-Release Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) Proton Pump Inhibitor Pell Tech Health Care Pvt. Ltd. India Automatic Renewal (PCPR) 17 March 2023 22 April 2028
View DRP-9082 Venlafaxine (As Hydrochloride) MaXine 75 mg Sustained Release Capsule Prescription Drug (RX) Antidepressant Pell Tech Health Care Pvt. Ltd. India Automatic Renewal 30 March 2023 03 September 2028
View DRP-9082-02 Venlafaxine (as hydrochloride) Afaxor 75 75 mg Sustained Release Capsule Prescription Drug (Rx) Andipressant Pell Tech Health Care Private Ltd India Renewal 20 July 2023 03 September 2028
View DRP-9083 Paclitaxel Cytax 100 6 mg/mL (100 mg/16.7 mL) Concentrate Solution for IV Infusion Prescription Drug (Rx) - Intas Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 24 August 2020 24 August 2025
View DRP-9084 Nicardipine Hydrochloride Noticanz 1 mg/ mL (10 mg/10 mL) Solution For Injection (IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) - Cooper Pharma Limited - 24 August 2020 24 August 2025
View DRP-9084-01 Nicardipine Hydrochloride Cardi-S 1 mg/mL (10 mg/10 mL) Solution for Injection (IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) Calcium Channel Blocker Cooper Pharma Ltd. India CLIDP Conversion 12 October 2022 24 August 2025
View DRP-9084-03 Nicardipine Hydrochloride Madexcard 1 mg/mL (10 mg/10 mL) Solution for Injection (IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) Calcium Channel Blocker Cooper Pharma Limited India CLIDP Conversion 21 May 2024 24 August 2025
View DRP-9085 Ascorbic Acid + Zinc Hapi-C+Z 500 mg (Equivalent to Sodium Ascobate 562.43mg)/10mg (Equivalent to Zinc Gluconate 70mg) Capsule Over-the-Counter (OTC) - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 17 August 2020 17 August 2025
View DRP-9085-01 Ascorbic Acid+Zinc Gemzee Plus 500mg (equivalent to 562.43mg Sodium Ascorbate)/10mg (equivalent to 70mg Zinc Gluconate) Capsule Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 29 June 2021 17 August 2025
View DRP-9086 HYDROCORTISONE (AS SODIUM SUCCINATE) HYDROCORTIBAS 100 mg Powder For Injection (I.M. / I.V. ) Prescription Drug (RX) CORTICOSTERIOID Friends Pharma ( Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan Renewal 02 August 2023 06 September 2028
View DRP-9087 Tranexamic Acid Hemobas 100 mg/ (500 mg/ 5 mL) Solution For Injection (I.M./I.V.) Prescription Drug (RX) Antifibrinolytic Friends Pharma ( Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan Renewal 02 March 2024 19 February 2029
View DRP-9088 Ascorbic Acid Tatio-Cee 250 mg/mL (500 mg/2 mL) Solution For Injection (IM/IV/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) VITAMIN Friends Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan Automatic Renewal 28 February 2023 02 March 2028
View DRP-9088-02 Ascorbic Acid Redox-C 250 mg/ mL (500 mg/2 mL) Solution for Injection (IM/IV/SC) Prescription Drug (Rx) Vitamin Friends Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan CLIDP Conversion 05 January 2024 02 March 2028
View DRP-9089 Dobutamine (As Hydrochloride) Dobubax 12.5 mg/mL (250 mg/20 mL) Solution for Injection (IV) Prescription Drug (RX) - Friends Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan - 22 February 2022 12 May 2026
View DRP-9089-01 Dobutamine (As Hydrochloride) Adretam 12.5 mg/mL (250 mg/ 20 mL) Solution for Injection (I.M./I.V.) Prescription Drug (RX) - Friends Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan - 23 August 2021 12 May 2026
View DRP-909 Cloxacillin (As Sodium) Cloxil 500 mg Capsule Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Penicillin) Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 14 October 2021 10 November 2026
View DRP-909-01 Cloxacillin (As Sodium) Axillin 500 mg Capsule Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Penicillin) Lloyd Laboratories, Inc Philippines Automatic Renewal 31 October 2021 10 November 2026
View DRP-909-02 Cloxacillin (As Sodium) Cloxal 500 mg Capsule Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Penicillin) Lloyd Laboratories, Inc Philippines Automatic Renewal 15 January 2022 10 November 2026
View DRP-909-03 Cloxacillin (As Sodium) Clox 500 mg Capsule Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Penicillin) Lloyd Laboratories, Inc Philippines Automatic Renewal 19 January 2022 10 November 2026
View DRP-909-06 Cloxacillin (As Sodium) Mediclox 500 mg Capsule Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Penicillin) Lloyd Laboratories, Inc Philippines Automatic Renewal 15 January 2022 10 November 2026