
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
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Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRP-9119 AZITHROMYCIN (as monohydrate) Maxzith Iv 500mg Lyophilized Power for Solution for Intravenous Infusion Prescription Drug (RX) - Gland Pharma Limited India - 20 October 2020 20 October 2025
View DRP-9120 Calcium Unbranded 500mg Elem. Calcium Tablet Over-The-Counter (OTC) Mineral Medicamen Biotech Ltd. India Renewal 21 March 2023 04 September 2028
View DRP-9121 Zinc Zincoral 50mg (Equivalent to 137.5mg Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate) Tablet Over-The-Counter (OTC) - Kanion Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd China - 04 September 2020 04 September 2025
View DRP-9122 Omeprazole (As Sodium) Oprex 40 mg Lyophilized Powder For Injection (IV) Prescription Drug (RX) - reyoung Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd China - 04 September 2020 04 September 2025
View DRP-9122-01 Omeprazole (as sodium) Omeden 40 mg Lyophilized Powder for Injection (I.V.) Prescription Drug (Rx) Proton Pump Inihibitor Reyoung Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China CLIDP Conversion 23 July 2022 04 September 2025
View DRP-9123 Pyrazinamide None 250 mg/5 mL Oral Suspension Prescription Drug (RX) - Lloyd Laboratories Inc. Philippines Initial 04 September 2020 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124 Lactulose Easelac 3.33g/5mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) - MAGBRO HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD. India - 04 September 2020 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-01 Lactulose Luzlax 3.33g/5mL Oral Solution Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) - MAGBRO HEALTHCARE PVT.LTD. India - 31 August 2021 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-02 Lactulose Zulose 3.33g/5mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) - MAGBRO HEALTHCARE PVT.LTD. India - 03 September 2021 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-03 Lactulose Laxseri 3.33g/5mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Laxative Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India Initial [CLIDP] 22 October 2021 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-04 Lactulose Laxac 3.33 g/5 mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Laxative Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd India Initial 24 December 2021 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-05 Lactulose Wizlax 3.33g/5mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Laxative Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India CLIDP 21 January 2022 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-06 Lactulose Dixilose 3.33g/5 mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Laxative Magbro Healtcare Pvt. Ltd. India CLIDP 24 February 2022 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-07 Lactulose Cleargut 3.33g / 5 mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (Rx) Laxative Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India CLIDP Conversion 11 September 2023 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-08 Lactulose Consilose 3 .33g / 5 mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (Rx) Laxative Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd India CLIDP Conversion 16 November 2023 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-09 Lactulose Lactera 3.33g / 5 mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (Rx) Laxative Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd India CLIDP Conversion 15 November 2023 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-10 Lactulose Lactuden 3.33g / 5 mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (Rx) Laxative Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India CLIDP Conversion 10 March 2024 04 September 2025
View DRP-9124-11 Lactulose Dylac 3.33g / 5mL Oral Solution Prescription Drug (Rx) Laxative Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd India CLIDP Conversion 10 June 2024 04 September 2025
View DRP-9125 Fluphenazine Decanoate Sydepres 25mg/mL Solution for Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - SM Pharmaceutical (M) Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia - 01 December 2021 18 September 2025
View DRP-9125-01 Fluphenazine decanoate Fludozine 25 mg/mL Solution for Injection (I.M/S.C) Prescription Drug (Rx) Antipsychotic (Phenothiazine with Piperazine Structure) SM Pharmaceutical (M) Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia CLIDP Conversion 25 October 2022 18 September 2025