Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 9961 to 9980 of 32536
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRHR-279 Camphol + Menthol + Eucalyptus Oil Vicks Vaporub Ointment 5.26 g/ 2.82 g/ 1.33 g Ointment Counterirritant Makson Industries Pvt. India Automatic Renewal 07 March 2023 12 April 2028
View DRHR-282 Isopropyl Alcohol Family 7mg Solution Antiseptic/Disinfectant Pagoda Philippines, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 07 June 2023 14 May 2028
View DRHR-303 Hydrogen Peroxide None 3% w/v (10 Volumes) Tropical Solution Antiseptic Roz Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 27 April 2023 18 May 2028
View DRHR-305 Methyl Salicylate + Menthol Begesic 11g/ 5.6g per 100g Topical Cream - Berlin Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. Thailand Automatic Renewal 23 March 2021 29 March 2026
View DRHR-308 Isopropyl Alcohol Green Cross 70mL/100mL (70% v/v) Solution (with Moisturizer) Antiseptic/ Disinfectant Green Cross Incorporated Philippines Renewal 23 January 2024 17 March 2029
View DRHR-312 Methyl Salicylate + Camphor + Menthol Movapane 900mg/ 120mg/ 110mg LINIMENT Counterirritant J. CHEMIE LABORATORIES, INC. Philippines Automatic Renewal 15 June 2021 05 June 2026
View DRHR-315 Menthol Crystals + Methyl Salicylate + Eucalyptus Oil White Flower Embrocation 30%/ 40%/ 18% w/w Embrocation COUNTERIRRITANT Hoe Hin Pak Fah Yeow Manufactory Ltd. Hong kong Automatic Renewal 14 June 2021 29 October 2026
View DRHR-319 ETHYL ALCOHOL CASINO Variant/s: Mild Fragrance Each 100 mL contains 70% v/v Ethyl Alcohol SOLUTION Antiseptic / Disinfectant International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Philippines Renewal 23 May 2022 31 October 2027
View DRHR-32 Capsicum Extract+Zinc Oxide Vorwerk Chilli Porous Capsicum 70mg/350mg per 2.45g Plaster - Dersan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Taiwan - 18 June 2020 15 February 2026
View DRHR-324 Salicylic Acid None 3% (3g/ 100mL) Solution Keratolytic / Antifungal INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Philippines - 01 February 2022 04 June 2027
View DRHR-327 Povidone-Iodine Betadine 7.50% Solution (Skin Cleanser) - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 27 July 2021 27 November 2025
View DRHR-328 Povidone-Iodine Betadine 0.01 Oral Antiseptic Solution Antiseptic Interphil Laboratories Philippines Automatic Renewal 17 March 2023 20 April 2028
View DRHR-341 Povidone-Iodine Betadine 10% Solution - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 26 July 2021 27 November 2025
View DRHR-343 Isopropyl Alcohol Hygea 0.7 Solution Disinfectant/Antiseptic Jickstar Pharma Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal (HR) 19 March 2021 14 May 2026
View DRHR-346 Sulfur United Home Sulfent 100 mg/g Topical Ointment Scabicides and Pediculides Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 16 May 2022 25 July 2027
View DRHR-347 Zinc Oxide Rashfree 200 mg/ g Ointment Topical Protectant Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 20 June 2022 02 August 2027
View DRHR-352 Glycerol United Home Glydolax 2.5 g Rectal Suppository Laxative Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 29 May 2024 21 May 2029
View DRHR-354 Ferrous Sulfate (as Heptahydrate) Vino De Quina 100mg/ 30mL (equivalent to 20.00 mg Elemental Iron) Solution Anti-Anemia J. CHEMIE LABORATORIES, INC. Philippines Automatic Renewal 25 October 2021 06 July 2026
View DRHR-363 Salicylic Acid + Benzoic Acid United Home Whitfield'S 60 mg/120 mg per gram Ointment Topical Antifungal/Keratolytic Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 22 February 2022 24 May 2027
View DRHR-383 Povidone-Iodine Betadine 10% Paint - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 23 April 2021 15 June 2026