Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 9601 to 9620 of 32533
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRHR-2017 Povidone-Iodine None 10 mg/mL (1% w/v) Oral Solution (Gargle) Antiseptic Scheele Laboratories Phils., Inc. Philippines Initial [HR] 07 March 2022 25 June 2026
View DRHR-2018 Povidone Iodine None 2.3 mg/mL (0.23% w/v) Oromucosal Solution (Throat Spray) Oromucosal Solution (Throat Spray) Scheele Laboratories Phils., Inc. Philippines Initial [HR} 17 June 2021 17 June 2026
View DRHR-2019 Ethyl Alcohol Unbranded 70% (v/v) Solution with Moisturizer Antiseptic/Disinfectant Green Cross, Incorporated Philippines Renewal 10 May 2024 12 July 2029
View DRHR-202 Oral Rehydration Salts (Maintenance) Sodium mEq/L, Potassium 20 mEQ/L, Chloride 35mEQ/L, Citrate 30mEQ/L, Dextrose 25g/L Pedialyte 45 (Fruit Flavor) Oral Solution Electrolyte Replenisher Euro-Med Laboratories Phil., Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 21 September 2021 01 December 2026
View DRHR-2020 Methyl Salicylate+Menthol+Camphor+Vanillyl Nonylamide Flexipas 42mg/56mg/70mg/0.168mg Transdermal Patch Counterirritant Jeil Health Science, Inc. Korea Initial [HR] 21 June 2021 21 June 2026
View DRHR-2021 Menthol Koolex patch 260mg Transdermal Patch - Jeil Health Science, Inc. Korea Initial [HR] 21 June 2021 21 June 2026
View DRHR-2022 Methly Salicylate+Menthol+Camphor+Mentha Oil+Thymol Mentoplast 262.5mg/175mg/122.5mg/87.5mg/17.5mg Transdermal Patch Transdermal Patch Jeil Health Science, Inc. Korea Initial [HR] 21 June 2021 21 June 2026
View DRHR-2024 Ethyl Alcohol Casino Femme with Dual Moisturizer 70% Solution - International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Philippines - 16 July 2021 24 June 2026
View DRHR-2025 Isopropyl Alcohol Irish 70% Solution - Zelwalk Enterprises Philippines - 28 June 2021 28 June 2026
View DRHR-2026 Menthol + Camphor + Borneol + Eucalyptus Oil Haelex 957.3 mg/460.3 mg/184.1 mg/184.1 mg Inhaler - Interthai Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Ltd. Thailand Initial [HR] 30 June 2021 30 June 2026
View DRHR-2028 Ethyl Alcohol Saver Select 70% (v/v) Solution Antiseptic/Disinfectant Kohl Industries Corporation Philippines Renewal 02 July 2024 02 July 2029
View DRHR-2029 Povidone-Iodine Iodostrike 100 mg/mL (10% w/v) Topical Solution - Belman Laboratories Philippines - 02 July 2021 02 July 2026
View DRHR-2030 Menthol + Camphor + Eucalyptus Oil Vaporin Aromatherapy Oil 43.950 g/4.395 g/4.395 g per 100 mL Liniment Counterirritant International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Philippines Initial [HR] 13 July 2021 13 July 2026
View DRHR-2031 Troclosene Sodium Aquatabs 167mg Effervescent Tablet - Medentech Limited Ireland - 13 July 2021 13 July 2026
View DRHR-2032 Troclosene Sodium Aquatabs 33mg Effervescent Tablet - Medentech Limited Ireland - 13 July 2021 13 July 2026
View DRHR-2033 Methyl Salicylate + Menthol + Camphor Betet Brand Hot Medicated Oil 0.333 mL /0.095 mL / 0.066mL per mL Liquid Counterirritant PT. Irawan Djaja Agung Indonesia Initial [HR] 22 July 2021 22 July 2026
View DRHR-2034 Methyl Salicylate + Peppermint Oil + Eucalyptus Oil + Menthol Betet Red Balm 200mg / 150mg / 100mg / 70mg per Gram Ointment - PT. Irawan Djaja Agung Indonesia - 22 July 2021 22 July 2026
View DRHR-2035 Eucalyptus Oil + Menthol + Methyl Salicylate + Camphor Betet Balm 100mg / 90mg / 80mg / 40mg per Gram Ointment - PT. Irawan Djaja Agung Indonesia - 22 July 2021 22 July 2026
View DRHR-2036 Methyl Salicylate + Camphor + Menthol Betet Parrot Brand Medicated Oil 0.230mL / 0.09mL / 0.09mL per mL Liquid - PT. Irawan Djaja Agung Indonesia - 22 July 2021 22 July 2026
View DRHR-2037 Menthol + Methyl Salicylate + Eucalyptus Oil + Camphor Katinko Oil 30mg / 15mg / 15 mg / 12mg per 100mL Liniment Counterirritant Greenstone Pharmaceutical H.K., Inc. Philippines Renewal 15 August 2024 03 August 2029