Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 981 to 1000 of 32560
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DR-X6914 Fluocinolone Acetonide Aplosyn-25 250 mcg/g (0.025% w/w) Cream - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 23 June 2021 20 July 2026
View DR-X6980 Timolol Maleate Timoptol 5 mg/ mL (0.5% w/v) Sterile Ophthalmic Solution - Laboratories Merck Sharp & Dohme-Chibret France - 25 August 2020 02 August 2025
View DR-X7040 Oxantel Embonate + Pyrantel Embonate Quantrel 20mg + 20 mg per mL (100 mg + 100 mg per 5mL) Suspension - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 18 December 2020 29 November 2025
View DR-X7076 Guiafenesin + Chlorphenamine Maleate + Phenylpropanolamine Hcl + Sodium Citrate + Ammonium Chloride Glychlor 50mg+2mg+10mg+200mg+30mg per 5mL Syrup Nasal Decongestant/Antihistamine/Expectorant Philmed Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 28 September 2022 22 November 2027
View DR-X7078 Chlorphenamine Maleate Aller Cm 4 mg Tablet - Philmed Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 30 January 2020 15 January 2025
View DR-X7093 Fluocinolone Acetonide Aplosyn-10 100 mcg/g (0.01% w/w) Ointment - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 23 June 2021 20 July 2026
View DR-X7096 Naproxen Sodium Flanax 275 mg Tablet - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 04 August 2020 09 January 2026
View DR-X7343 Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate/Neomycin Base (As Sulfate)/Polymixin B Sulfate Syntemax Sterile Eye Drops 1.0mg/3.5mg/10,000 IU% Sterile Eye Drops Cortecosteroid-Anti-infectives Combination Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 13 April 2022 25 June 2027
View DR-X7346 Fluocinonide Lidemol 500 mcg/g (0.05%) Cream - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 29 December 2020 01 March 2026
View DR-X7598 Paracetamol + Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride+ Chlorphenamine Maleate Cynosal 125mg/ 6.2mg/ 500mcg per 5mL Syrup Analgesic/ Antipyretic/ Nasal Decongestant/ Antihistamine Lejal Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 20 October 2021 26 January 2027
View DR-X7696 PARACETAMOL CLOCEPHEN 500MG Tablet Analgesics/Antipyretics Hizon Laboratories Inc. Philippines Renewal 14 April 2023 05 June 2028
View DR-X7781 Allopurinol Purinase 300 mg Tablet - Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 22 January 2021 01 October 2025
View DR-X7970 Piribedil Trivastal Retard 50 50mg Tablet - Les Laboratoires Servier Industrie France Automatic Renewal 11 March 2021 09 January 2026
View DR-X7995 Gemazel Guaifenesin + Sodium Citrate 100mg / 100 mg per 5mL Syrup - Lejal Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 17 May 2021 29 August 2025
View DR-X8065_PI_01.pdf DR-X8065 Baclofen Lioresal 10 mg Tablet - Novartis Farma S.p.A. Italy - 16 September 2019 03 September 2024
View DR-X8185 Betamethasone (as dipropionate)/ Salicylic Acid DIPROSALIC 500 mcg/30 mg Ointment Anti-inflammatory/ Anti-pruritic/ Keratolytic Manufacturer-PT. Merck Sharp Dohme Pharma Tbk Indonesia Renewal 19 December 2023 19 February 2029
View DR-X8346 Amoxicillin (As Trihydrate) Pediamox 250 mg/5 mL Powder For Suspension Antibacterial (Penicillin) Asian Antibiotics, Inc Philippines Automatic Renewal 10 April 2023 25 June 2028
View DR-X8475 Benzylpenicillin Sodium None 5,000,000 Units Sterile Powder For Injection (I.M./I.V.) Antibacterial (Penicillin) YSS Laboratories Co., Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 31 March 2021 01 August 2026
View DR-X8493 Trimipramine maleate Surmontil 25mg Antidepresant Antidepressant Famar Lyon France Automatic Renewal 24 June 2021 28 September 2026
View DR-X8545 Domperidone Motilium 1 mg/ml Suspension Gastrokinetic (Prokinetic) Janssen Pharmaceutica NV Belgium Automatic Renewal 13 November 2022 29 December 2027