Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 941 to 960 of 32560
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DR-X1254 Clorazepate Dipotassium Tranxene 5 mg Capsule Anxiolytic SANOFI AVENTIS, S.A. Spain Renewal 17 August 2022 14 October 2027
View DR-X1308 Doxycycline (as Hyclate) Doxin 100 mg Capsule Antibacterial (Tetracyclines) Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 09 March 2022 24 May 2027
View DR-X1312 Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride Isoxilan 10 mg Tablet - Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 07 March 2022 06 July 2025
View DR-X1387 Guaifenesin + Oxeladine Citrate + Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride + Chlorphenamine Maleate Altussan 100 mg/ 10 mg/ 12.5 mg/1 mg Capsule Expectorant/Cough suppressant/Nasal decongestant (Sympathomimetic)/Antihistamine (Substituted alkylamine) Lejal Laboratories Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 12 April 2022 17 December 2027
View DR-X1740_PI_01.pdf DR-X1740 Diclofenac Sodium Voltaren 25mg/Ml Solution for Injection (IM/IV) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d Slovenia Automatic Renewal 31 August 2022 20 August 2027
View DR-X1812 Metoprolol Tartrate BetalocĀ® 100mg Tablet Beta-adrenoceptor Blocker AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. China Renewal 04 January 2022 02 April 2027
View DR-X1824 Phenobarbital None 15 mg Tablet Anticonvulsants/Antiepileptics Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 12 April 2023 29 May 2028
View DR-X1848 Metoprolol Tartrate BetalocĀ® 50mg Tablet Beta-adrenoceptor Blocker AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. China Renewal 24 December 2021 12 March 2027
View DR-X1910 Aluminum Hydroxide + Magnesium Trisilicate Calcium Carbonate Contylan 200 mg/200 mg/200 mg Chewable Tablet - Lejal Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal (Correction) 19 October 2023 20 May 2026
View DR-X1961 Calcium Lactate Unbranded 650mg Tablet Mineral Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 29 June 2024 06 July 2029
View DR-X2017 Phenobarbital Unbranded 60 mg Tablet Anticonvulsants/Antiepileptics Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 21 March 2023 29 May 2028
View DR-X2132 Fluocinonide LIDEX 0.0005 Ointment Anti-inflammatory/Antipruritic Interphil Laboratories Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 05 October 2021 13 December 2026
View DR-X2148 Tolnaftate Tinactin 10mg/g Ointment - PT. Merck Sharp Dohme Pharma Tbk. Indonesia - 24 October 2019 04 November 2024
View DR-X2322 Multivitamins + Iron + Docusate Sodium Trihemic Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 600 mg Ferrous Fu,arate 350 mg (equivalent to 115 mg Elemental Iron) Intrinsic Factor concentrate 75 mg dl- Alpha Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E) 60 mg Docusate sodium 50 mg Folic Acid 1 mg Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) 25 mcg Tablet Hematinic Interphil Laboratories Philippines Automatic Renewal 16 January 2023 12 May 2028
View DR-X2347 Benzyl Benzoate + Presipitated Sulfur + Zinc Oxide + Menthol Scabiol Lotion 12.5 g/2.5g/2.5g/0.25g Lotion Scabicides and Pediculicides Lejal Laboratories Inc. Philippines Renewal 09 March 2022 15 May 2027
View DR-X2535 Paracetamol Tempra Forte 500 mg Tablet Analgesic/ Antipyretic Interphil Laboratories Philippines Automatic Renewal 09 February 2023 14 October 2028
View DR-X2619 Colchicine None 500mcg Tablet - Surepharm Services Ltd. United Kingdom - 25 June 2020 01 July 2025
View DR-X2710 Multivitamis + Iron Terraferron 200 mg / 400 mcg / 2 mg / 2 mg / 2 mg / 10 mcg / 100 mg / 20 mg Capsule Vitamins / Mineral Drugmakers Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 28 September 2022 23 January 2028
View DR-X2920 Pyrantel (as embonate) Combantrin 125 mg/5mL Suspension - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 17 December 2020 29 November 2025
View DR-X3125 Thiamine Mononitrate (Vit.B1) + Pyridocine Hydrochloride (Vit.B6) + Cyanocobalamine(Vit.B12) Supraneuron (see reverse for formulation) Film-Coated Tablet - La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines - 15 April 2020 23 April 2025