Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 9421 to 9440 of 32533
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRHR-1790 Povidone Iodine None 10g/100mL (10%w/v) Topical Solution - Vonwelt, Inc. Philippines - 20 March 2020 08 September 2024
View DRHR-1791 Tincture Of Iodine None 2 g / 100 mL (2%w/v)) Topical Solution - Vonwelt Inc. Philippines - 31 March 2020 08 September 2024
View DRHR-1792 Hydrogen Peroxide None 3g/100mL (3%w/v) Topical Solution - Vonwelt, Inc. Philippines - 20 March 2020 08 September 2024
View DRHR-1793 Methyl Salicylate None 60 g/100mL (60 % w/v) Topical Solution - Vonwelt Inc. Philippines - 31 March 2020 08 September 2024
View DRHR-1794 Isopropyl Alcohol Surebuy 0.7 Alcohol - Kohl Industries Corporation Philippines Automatic Renewal 27 July 2020 05 September 2025
View DRHR-1795 Hydroquinone + Tretinoin GT Bleaching Cream 20mg/500 mcg per gram (2%/0.05%w/w) Topical Cream Anti-acne/Anti-hyperpigmentation GT Cosmetics Manufacturing, Inc. Philippines Renewal 04 August 2024 11 September 2024
View DRHR-1796 Chlorhexidine Gluconate Preclens 40mg/g (4% w/w) Solution Antiseptic/Disinfectant Hizon Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 10 October 2022 11 September 2027
View DRHR-1797 Menthol + Camphor + Eucalyptus Oil Vfresh Aromatheraphy Original 450 mg/25mg/50mg per mL (45%/2.5%/5% w/v) Liniment (Roll On) - PT. Eagle Indo Pharma Indonesia - 08 November 2021 11 September 2027
View DRHR-1798 Menthol + Camphor + Eucalyptus Oil Vfresh Aromatherapy Lavender 450 mg/25mg/50mg per mL (45%/2.5%/5% w/v) Liniment (Roll On) Counter-irritant PT. Eagle Indo Pharma Indonesia Renewal 08 November 2021 11 September 2027
View DRHR-1799 Menthol Camphor Eucalyptus Vfresh Aromatherapy Green Tea 450 mg/25mg/50mg per mL (45%/2.5%/5% w/v) Liniment (Roll On) Counterirritant PT. Eagle Indo Pharma Indonesia Renewal 08 November 2021 11 September 2027
View DRHR-180 70% Isopropyl Alcohol Green Cross 0.7 Solution - Green Cross Incorporated Philippines - 09 December 2020 24 January 2026
View DRHR-1801 Ketoconazole Ketovid Shampoo 20 mg/g (2% w/w) Shampoo Anti fungal Hovid Berhad Malaysia Renewal 23 May 2022 29 September 2027
View DRHR-1802 Aceite Alcanforado None 17 % (w/v) Oil - Vonwelt Inc. Philippines - 11 May 2020 29 September 2024
View DRHR-1803 ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE + MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE SHELOGEL 225mg/ 200mg per 5mL ORAL SUSPENSION Antacid SCHEELE LABORATORIES PHIL. INC. Philippines Automatic Renewal 28 November 2022 03 October 2027
View DRHR-1804 CALAMINE + ZINC OXIDE Calazin 150mg / 50mg per 100mL LOTION Anti-inflammatory/ Antipruritic Hovid Berhad Malaysia Renewal 20 June 2022 19 October 2027
View DRHR-1808 Povidone - Iodine Io-Cure 0.1 Topical Solution - J. Chemie Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 03 January 2020 26 October 2024
View DRHR-1809 (for Export Only) Povidone Iodine Betadine 0.1 Topical Solution - Interphil Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 30 January 2020 26 October 2024
View DRHR-1810 Oral Rehydration Salts Hydrite 75mmol,20mmol,65mmol,10mmol,75mmol, 52mg, 580mg,300mg,2.7g Granules For Solution (Melon Flavor) - Amherst Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 13 December 2019 26 October 2024
View DRHR-1811 Isopropyl Alcohol With Moisturizer Green Cross 70% v/v Topical Solution - Green Cross Corporation Philippines - 24 July 2020 23 October 2025
View DRHR-1812 Isopropyl Alcohol Green Cross 70% v/v Topical Solution - Green Cross Corporation Philippines - 24 July 2020 23 October 2025