Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 9361 to 9380 of 32533
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRHR-1690 Povidone-Iodine Zetadone 10% Topical Solution - Greatstar Laboratories Philippines - 05 April 2021 25 November 2024
View DRHR-1691 Isopropyl Alcohol Alcoplus 70mL/100mL (70% v/v) Solution - Ocean Deep Industries Philippines - 06 April 2020 26 November 2024
View DRHR-1692 Ethyl Alcohol Alcoplus 70mL/100mL (70% v/v) Solution - Ocean Deep Industries Philippines - 06 April 2020 26 November 2024
View DRHR-1693 Ethyl Alcohol + Propyl Alcohol Softa-Man 45g/ 18g per 100mL (45%/18% w/v) Topical Solution - B. Braun Melsungen AG Switzerland - 19 September 2019 04 December 2024
View DRHR-1694 Carbocisteine Voncartin 50mg/ mL Syrup (Oral Drops) MUCOLYTIC Vonwelt Inc. Philippines - 14 October 2021 14 January 2027
View DRHR-1697 Oral Rehydration Salt None (see reverse for formulation) Powder For Oral Soultion - Tianjin Kangbao Natural Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China - 22 April 2020 27 February 2025
View DRHR-1699 Sodium Ascorbate Fern-C 500mg Capsule (equivalent to 568.18mg Sodium Ascorbate) Capsule - El Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 29 November 2021 03 June 2025
View DRHR-17 Methyl Salicylate / Camphor / Menthol / Eucalyptus Oil Megascent Oil 20 g/7.20 g/6.50 g/1.25 g per 100 mL Liniment Counterirritant International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal [HR] 29 April 2021 07 July 2026
View DRHR-1701 Povidone Iodine None Per 100mL contains 10g Povidone-Iodine Solution - International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Philippines - 29 October 2020 13 July 2025
View DRHR-1702 Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol + Amylmetacresol Strepsils (Children 6+) 1.2 mg/ 600 mcg Lozenge - Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Manufacturing (Thailand) Ltd. Thailand - 12 August 2020 30 June 2025
View DRHR-1703 Methyl Salicylate None 63%v/v Liniment - Ceres Summit Corporation Philippines - 02 March 2021 24 June 2025
View DRHR-1704 Ethyl Alcohol Family 0.7 Solution - Pagoda Philippines, Inc. Philippines - 25 August 2020 30 June 2025
View DRHR-1705 Povidone Iodine none 75 mg/mL (7.5% w/v) Solution - International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Philippines - 28 October 2020 13 July 2025
View DRHR-1712 Chlorhexidine Gluconate + Ethanol SANISCRUB-E 0.5g + 100mL (0.5% w / v) + 70mL + 100mL (70% v + v) Solution, topical Antiseptic Sirmaxo Chemicals Private Limited India Renewal (Variation) 22 July 2021 24 March 2025
View DRHR-1713 Menthol + Mentha x piperita + Camphor + Syzygium aromaticum Golden Cup Oil 266.4 mg/266.4 mg/4.4 mg Liniment - Golden Cup Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Thailand - 29 January 2021 15 September 2025
View DRHR-1714 Methyl Salicylate + Camphor + Menthol + Mentha x piperita + Syzygium aromaticum Golden Cup Balm 5 g/15 g/12 g/6.3 g/500 mg Ointment - Golden Cup Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Thailand - 29 January 2021 15 September 2025
View DRHR-1715 Methyl Salicylate + Camphor + Menthol + Mentha x piperita + + Syzygium aromaticum Golden Cup Balm 15 g/15 g/12 g/6.3 g/ 500 mg Ointment - Golden Cup Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Thailand - 29 January 2021 15 September 2025
View DRHR-1716 Isopropyl Alcohol Virex 70% v/v Solution - Telstar Manufacturing Corporation Philippines - 20 May 2021 16 November 2025
View DRHR-1717 Isopropyl Alcohol Virex 70% v/v Solution - Telstar Manufacturing Corporation Philippines - 20 May 2021 16 November 2025
View DRHR-1719 Ascorbic Acid Novacee 500 mg (equivalent to 608.5 mg Calcium Ascorbate) Capsule - Novagen Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. Philippines - 10 February 2021 10 December 2025