Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 9341 to 9360 of 32533
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRHR-1625 Aceite De Alcamforado Dermaidcalm 20 g PER 100 mL SOLUTION - Ace Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 09 October 2020 05 June 2025
View DRHR-1626 Hydrogen Peroxide Unbranded 3% w/v Solution Antiseptic Maridan Industries Inc. Philippines Renewal 26 March 2023 07 June 2028
View DRHR-1627 Chlorhexidine Digluconate Hyclens 4% v/v Solution Antiseptic Maridan Industries Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 05 May 2023 07 June 2028
View DRHR-1632 Ketoconazole Dermazole 20 mg/mL (2%w/v) Shampoo - Kusum Healthcare Private Limited India - 30 June 2020 03 July 2025
View DRHR-1636 Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide Strepsils Dry Cough 5 mg Lozenge Antitussive Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Mfg. (Thailand) Ltd. Thailand Automatic Renewal 30 March 2023 29 July 2028
View DRHR-1638 Povidone Iodine 100 Mg/Ml (10%) Solution None 100 mg/ mL (10%) Solution ANTISEPTIC Scheele Laboratories Phil. Inc Philippines Automatic Renewal 12 July 2023 08 August 2028
View DRHR-1643 2, 4- Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol + Amylmetacresol Strepsils 1.2 mg/600 mcg Lozenge ANTISEPTIC Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Mfg. (Thailand) Ltd. Thailand Automatic Renewal 05 April 2023 13 September 2028
View DRHR-1644 2, 4- Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol + Amylmetacresol Strepsils 1.2 mg/600 mcg Lozenge ANTISEPTIC Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Mfg. (Thailand) Ltd. Thailand Automatic Renewal 29 April 2023 13 September 2028
View DRHR-1655 Ascorbic Acid Unbranded 250mg Tablet Vitamin Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 02 November 2023 19 December 2028
View DRHR-1656 Povidone Iodine Unbranded 0.0005 Aerosol Spray Antiseptic/Disinfectant Lloyd Laboratories,Inc. Philippines Renewal 13 February 2019 16 October 2028
View DRHR-1658 Paracetamol Melifrin 125 mg / 5 mL Syrup Analgesic/Antipyretic Lejal Laboratories Inc. Philippines Renewal 11 December 2018 23 October 2028
View DRHR-1662 Oral Rehydration Salts Glucosol 20.5 g Powder For Reconstitution Rehydration Solution Reyoung Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal 29 October 2018 13 November 2028
View DRHR-1672 Ascorbic Acid Unbranded 100 mg/5 mL Syrup Vitamin Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 17 April 2024 14 May 2029
View DRHR-1674 Ascorbic Acid Avance 500 mg Tablet Vitamin TCI Co. Ltd. Taiwan Renewal 28 May 2024 17 June 2029
View DRHR-1682 Ascorbic acid C-4 Kids 100 mg (equivalent to 123.74 mg Sodium Ascorbate)/ mL Syrup (Oral Drops) Orange Flavor - Drugmaker's Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal (HR) 04 June 2021 26 August 2026
View DRHR-1684 Ascorbic Acid None 100 mg/ 5 mL Syrup (Strawberry Flavor) - Hizon Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 04 November 2019 26 September 2024
View DRHR-1685 Ascorbic Acid Gen-Cee 100mg/5mL Syrup (Orange Flavor) - Hizon Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 22 August 2019 26 September 2024
View DRHR-1686 Menthol Counterpain Cool 4% (40mg/g) Gel - PT. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia Tbk Indoneisa - 14 January 2021 15 October 2024
View DRHR-1687 Ascorbic Acid Ascophil 500mg Tablet Vitamin Jiangxi Xier Kangtai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China - 27 September 2019 29 October 2024
View DRHR-1688 Povidone-Iodine Mentpovone 50 mg/g (5% w/w) Ointment Antiseptic Bal Pharma Limited India Renewal 04 August 2024 17 November 2029