
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRP-9053 Meropenem (as trihydrate) Eronem-500 500 mg Powder for Injection (IV) Prescription Drug (RX) - Jeil Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Korea - 31 October 2020 31 October 2025
View DRP-9053-01 Meropenem (As Trihydrate) Armapenem-500 500 mg Powder for Injection (IV) Prescription Drug (RX) - Jeil Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Korea - 08 September 2021 31 October 2025
View DRP-9054 Cefotaxime (As Sodium) Toxim 1 g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (RX) - NCPC Hebei Huamin Pharmaceutical Company China - 31 October 2020 31 October 2025
View DRP-9054-01 Cefotaxime (as sodium) Tergen 1 g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial (Third-Generation Cephalosporin) NCPC Hebei Huamin Pharmaceutical Company Limited China CLIDP Conversion 13 July 2022 31 October 2025
View DRP-9055 Meropenem (as Trihydrate) Xanem 1 g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (RX) - CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd China - 31 October 2020 31 October 2025
View DRP-9055-01 Meropenem (As Trihydrate) Merophil 1 g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (RX) - CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China - 03 November 2021 31 October 2025
View DRP-9055-02 Meropenem (as trihydrate) Welopenem 1 g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) Beta-lactam Antibacterial (Carbapenem) CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd China - 21 April 2022 31 October 2025
View DRP-9055-03 Meropenem (as trihydrate) Q-Penem 1 g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) Beta-lactam Antibacterial (Carbapenem) CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China - 20 June 2022 31 October 2025
View DRP-9055-04 Meropenem (as trihydrate) Merocy 1 g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) Beta-lactam Antibacterial (Carbapenem) CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd China CLIDP Conversion 22 January 2024 31 October 2025
View DRP-9055-05 Meropenem (as trihydrate) Merotech 1 g Powder for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) Beta-lactam Antibacterial (Carbapenem) CSPC Ouyi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd China CLIDP Conversion 06 February 2024 31 October 2025
View DRP-9056 Metoprolol Tartrate Rezebloc 50mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - Zim Laboratories Ltd India Initial 20 October 2020 20 October 2025
View DRP-9057 Metoprolol Tartrate None 50mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - Zim Laboratories Ltd. India - 20 October 2020 20 October 2025
View DRP-9058 Metoprolol Tartrate Metloc 50mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - Zim Laboratories Ltd. India - 20 October 2020 20 October 2025
View DRP-9059 Metoprolol Tartrate None 50mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - Zim Laboratories Ltd. India - 20 October 2020 20 October 2025
View DRP-906 Losartan Potassium A.R.A 50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) Angiotensin-2-Receptor Blockers (ARBs) Zim Laboratories Ltd. India Automatic Renewal 19 January 2023 22 April 2028
View DRP-906-01 Losartan Potassium Lostar 50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) Angiotensin-2-Receptor Blocker (ARBs) Zim Laboratories Ltd. India Automatic Renewal 07 March 2023 22 April 2028
View DRP-906-05 Losartan Potassium Oranzar 50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Angiotensin-2-Receptor Blockers (ARBs) Zim Laboratories Limited India Renewal 31 March 2023 22 April 2028
View DRP-906-06 Losartan Potassium Jysartan 50 50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Angiotensin-2-Receptor Blockers (ARBs) Zim Laboratories Limited India Renewal 21 March 2023 22 April 2028
View DRP-906-07 Losartan Potassium Jisartan 50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Angiotensin-2-Receptor Blocker (ARBs) Zim Laboratories Limited India CLIDP Conversion 01 March 2024 22 April 2028
View DRP-9060 Cotrimoxazole None 960 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 27 August 2020 27 August 2025