Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View HRP-444-01 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol + Amylmetacresol Therasil (Honey and Lemon Flavor) 1.2 mg/600 mcg Lozenge Antiseptic Plethico Pharmaceuticals Limited India Automatic Renewal 03 March 2022 24 April 2027
View HRP-445 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol + Amylmetacresol Therasil (Orange flavor) 1.2 mg/600 mcg Lozenge - Plethico Pharmaceuticals Limited India Automatic Renewal 06 March 2022 24 April 2027
View HRP-445-01 2, 4 Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol + Amylmetacresol Therasil (Orange Flavor) 1.2 mg/600 mcg Lozenge Antiseptic Plethico Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India Automatic Renewal 24 March 2022 24 April 2027
View HRP-446 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol + Amylmetacresol Therasil (Black Currant Flavor) 1.2 mg/600 mcg Lozenge Antiseptic Plethico Pharmaceuticals Limited India Renewal 08 February 2022 09 May 2027
View HRP-446-01 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol + Amylmetacresol Therasil (Black Currant Flavor) 1.2 mg/600 mcg Lozenge Antiseptic Plethico Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India Automatic Renewal 09 March 2022 09 May 2027
View HRP-447 Ethyl Alcohol None 70% v/v Solution Antiseptic/Disinfectant Kohl Industries Corporation Philippines Automatic Renewal 23 April 2023 05 July 2028
View HRP-448 Povidone-Iodine PV Done 5% w/v Topical Solution - Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India - 05 July 2021 05 July 2026
View HRP-449 Methyl salicylate + Camphor + Menthol + Eucalyptus Oil + Capsicum Zetascent Oil 23 g/7 g/4.1 g/750 mg/250 mg per 100 mL Liniment - Greatstar Laboratories Philippines - 19 July 2021 19 July 2026
View HRP-450 Wintergreen Oil + Camphor + Turpentine Oil + Eucalyptus Oil + Menthol +Clove Oil+ Cinnamon Oil Relispray Plus 20 mg/10 mg/10 mg/6 mg/4 mg/1 mg/500 mcg per 100 g Topical Aerosol Spray Solution Topical Analgesic Midas-Care Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. India Automatic Renewal 21 July 2023 15 November 2028
View HRP-451 Povidone-Iodine Vinodine 5% w/w Topical Aerosol Antiseptic Midas-Care Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. India Automatic Renewal 11 October 2022 18 December 2027
View HRP-452 Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Saphlyte Formulation: Each Sachet contains: Sodium Chloride-520mg Glucose, anhydrous-2.7g Potassium Chloride-300mg Trisodium Citrate, Dihydrate-580mg Powder For Oral Solution (Apple Flavor) - Azine Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India - 13 September 2021 13 September 2026
View HRP-454 Methyl Salicylate + Menthol + Camphor Powermint 250mg/75mg/60mg per mL Liniment Counterirritant Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc. Philippines Initial (HR) PCPR) 07 September 2021 07 September 2026
View HRP-455 Ethyl Alcohol Alcostar 70mL per 100mL (70% v/v) Topical Solution Antiseptic / Disinfectant Greatstar Laboratories Philippines Initial [HR][PCPR] 08 September 2021 08 September 2026
View HRP-456 Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) Saphdryte Formulation: Each Sachet contains: Sodium Chloride-520 mg Glucose, anhydrous-2.7g Potassium Chloride-300mg Trisodium Citrate, Dihydrate-580mg Powder For Oral Solution (Orange Flavor) - Bueno Salud Care (India) Pvt. Ltd. India - 13 September 2021 13 September 2026
View HRP-456-01 Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) None Formulation: 520 mg Each Sachet contains: Sodium Chloride Glucose, anhydrous Potassium Chloride Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate 2.7 g 300 mg 580 mg Powder for Oral Solution (Orange Flavor) Electrolytes with Carbohydrates Bueno Salud Care (India) Pvt. Ltd. India CLIDP 11 January 2022 13 September 2026
View HRP-457 Calamine + Zinc Oxide Aliskati 40 mg/ 30 mg per gram Ointment - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines - 10 September 2021 10 September 2026
View HRP-458 Paracetamol Naprex 100 mg / mL Suspension (Oral Drops) Melon Flavor - Amherst Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 24 September 2021 19 April 2026
View HRP-459 Chlorhexidine + Isopropyl Alcohol Surgistat 0.5% w/v / 75% v/v Solution - Kohl Industries Corporation Philippines - 23 September 2021 23 September 2026
View HRP-460 Levomenthol Novamenthol 10 mg Lozenge (Peppermint Flavor) Antiseptic (Throat Preparations) Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Division of J.B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) India Initial [HR] 29 September 2021 29 September 2026
View HRP-461 Hydrogen Peroxide Aguaper 6% w/v (6 g/100 mL) (20 volumes) Topical Solution - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines - 29 September 2021 29 September 2026