Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View HRP-099 Carbocisteine Carbumox 500 mg CAPSULE Mucolytics Compact Pharmaceutical Corporation Philippines Automatic Renewal 30 January 2023 27 March 2028
View HRP-100 Ascorbic Acid Hi-C 500 mg Tablet Household (HR) Remedy Hizon Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 01 February 2024 03 February 2029
View HRP-103 Aluminum Hydroxide/ Magnesium Hydroxide Melmag 200mg/100mg per 5mL Suspension Antacid Lumar Pharmaceutical Laboratory Philippines Automatic Renewal 15 September 2022 27 September 2027
View HRP-103-01 Aluminum Hydroxide/ Magnesium Hydroxide Maxcid 200mg/100mg/5mL Suspension Antacid Lumar Pharmaceutical Laboratory Philippines Automatic Renewal 14 October 2022 27 September 2027
View HRP-104 Ascorbic Acid Cevit 500 mg Tablet Vitamin Huazhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal 08 May 2023 12 May 2028
View HRP-104-03 Ascorbic Acid None 500 mg Tablet Vitamin Huazhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal 15 May 2023 12 May 2028
View HRP-104-04 Ascorbic Acid Redvit-C 500 mg Tablet Vitamin Hubei Huazhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Automatic Renewal 18 May 2023 12 May 2028
View HRP-105 Carbocisteine Marluxyn 50mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) Mucolytic Lumar Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 26 April 2021 10 April 2026
View HRP-105-02 Carbocisteine Cisflem 50mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) - Lumar Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Inc. Philippines - 23 February 2022 10 April 2026
View HRP-108 Carbocisteine None 100 mg/5 mL Syrup - Scheele Laboraties Phils., Inc. Philippines - 11 February 2020 07 March 2025
View HRP-115 Carbocisteine Marluxyn 100mg/ 5mL Syrup Mucolytic LUMAR PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORY Philippines Automatic Renewal 21 December 2021 29 January 2027
View HRP-115-02 Carbocisteine Flemyl 100mg/ 5mL Syrup Mucolytic LUMAR PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORY Philippines Automatic Renewal 04 February 2022 29 January 2027
View HRP-116 Carbocisteine Ceascol 50mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) - New Myrex Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 25 June 2020 01 July 2025
View HRP-116-01 Carbocisteine Carbobet 50mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) - New Myrex Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 21 July 2020 01 July 2025
View HRP-116-03 Carbocisteine None 50mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) - New Myrex Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 25 June 2020 01 July 2025
View HRP-116-04 Carbocisteine Flemux-R 50mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) - New Myrex Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 19 October 2021 01 July 2025
View HRP-117 Carbocisteine Ceascol 500mg Capsule Mucolytic New Myrex Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 11 March 2021 11 March 2026
View HRP-117-05 Carbocisteine Cisflem 500mg Capsule - NEW MYREX LABORATORIES INC. Philippines - 11 March 2021 11 March 2026
View HRP-117-06 Carbocisteine REMUCOF 500mg Capsule - NEW MYREX LABORATORIES, INC. Philippines - 11 March 2021 11 March 2026
View HRP-118 Carbocisteine Ceascol 250mg/5mL Syrup Mucolytic New Myrex Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 19 March 2024 29 April 2029