Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRP-9966-02 Amoxicillin (as Trihydrate) Amoxden 500 mg Capsule Antibacterial (Penicillin) CSPC Zhongnuo Pharmaceutical (Shijiazhuang) Co., Ltd. China Renewal 18 February 2024 08 February 2029
View DRP-9967 Paracetamol Cetamin 10mg/Ml (1g/100mL) Solution for Intravenous Infusion Analgesics/Antipyretics Eurolife Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India Renewal 19 May 2024 03 July 2029
View DRP-9968 Irbesartan Irbezyd 150 150 mg Film-Coated Tablet Angiotensin-II Receptor Antagonist Cadila Healthcare Limited India Automatic Renewal 13 April 2022 20 June 2027
View DRP-9968-01 Irbesartan None 150 mg Film-Coated Tablet Angiotensin-II Receptor Antagonist Cadila Healthcare Limited India - 10 May 2022 20 June 2027
View DRP-9969 Fluconazole Fukole 150mg Capsule Antifungal Y.S.P. Industrial (M) Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia Automatic Renewal (Variation: PCPR Conversion) 02 July 2021 03 February 2027
View DRP-9969-01 Fluconazole Fucozole 150 mg Capsule Antifungal Y.S.P. Industries (M) Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia - 07 April 2022 03 February 2027
View DRP-9971 PANTOPRAZOLE (AS SODIUM) PANTOBBAS 40 mg Lyophilized Powder For Injection (I.M./I.V.) PROTON PUMP INHIBITOR Friends Pharma (Pvt) Ltd. Pakistan Renewal 04 August 2023 28 November 2028
View DRP-9972 Hydralazine Hydrochloride Aprezobas 20 mg/nL Solution For Injection (I.M./I.V.) - Friends Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan - 02 July 2021 17 February 2025
View DRP-9972-01 Hydralazine hydrochloride Lifezine 20 mg/mL Solution for Injection (IM/IV) Direct Vasodilator Friends Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan CLIDP Conversion 27 October 2023 17 February 2025
View DRP-9973 Domperidone (as Maleate) Dompedone 10 mg Tablet Anti-Emetic Harmann Pharmaceutical Labs. (Pvt.) Ltd. Pakistan Renewal 29 February 2024 27 June 2029
View DRP-9975 Cefuroxime (as Axetil) Execore 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial(Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 01 July 2021 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-01 Cefuroxime (as axetil) Furozep 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India CLIDP Conversion 23 February 2022 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-02 Cefuroxime (as axetil) Ceftax 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India CLIDP Conversion 25 February 2022 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-03 Cefuroxime (as axetil) Cefiqo 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India - 16 February 2022 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-04 Cefuroxime (as axetil) Zurevee 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 06 May 2022 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-05 Cefuroxime (as axetil) Gixime-500 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India - 02 June 2022 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-06 Cefuroxime (as axetil) Bluecef 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India CLIDP Conversion 16 August 2022 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-07 Cefuroxime(as axetil) Nicoxime 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial(Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India CLIDP Conversion 28 September 2022 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-08 Cefuroxime (as axetil) Jaxime 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet - Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India CLIDP Conversion 18 November 2022 01 July 2026
View DRP-9975-09 Cefuroxime (as axetil) Roxxin-500 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India Renewal 14 August 2023 01 July 2026