Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 10401 to 10420 of 32536
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRP-10071 Cefalexin (as monohydrate) ISEF 250 mg/5 mL Powder for Oral suspension Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Scott-Edil Advance Research Laboratories & Education Limited Hill India Renewal 21 April 2024 15 September 2029
View DRP-10071-01 Cefalexin (as monohydrate) Unbranded 250mg/mL Powder for oral suspension Antibacterial ( Cephalosporin) Scott-Edil Advance Research Laboratories & Education Limited India Renewal 02 August 2024 15 September 2029
View DRP-10072 Ursodeoxycholic Acid Urzen 250 mg Capsule - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 16 July 2021 12 May 2025
View DRP-10073 Cefuroxime (as Axetil) N/A 250/5mL Powder For Suspension Antibacterial (Cephalosporins) Scott-Edil Advance Research Laboratories & Education Limited Hill India Renewal 24 January 2024 16 June 2029
View DRP-10073-01 Cefuroxime (as Axetil) N/A 250mg/5mL Powder for Oral suspension Antibacterial (Cephalosporin) Scott-Edil Advance Research Laboratories & Education Limited India Renewal 10 May 2024 10 October 2029
View DRP-10073-02 Cefuroxime (as axetil) FURO 250mg/5ml powder for suspension Antibacterial ( Cephalosporin) Scott- Edil Advance Research Laboratories & Education Limited India Renewal 26 March 2024 16 June 2029
View DRP-10075 Betamethasone (as valerate) Bet Cream 1 mg/g (0.1% w/w) Cream - Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Limited - 23 July 2021 23 July 2026
View DRP-10076 Lansoprazole Aprevaz 30 mg Delayed-Release Capsule - Friends Pharma (Pvt) Ltd. Pakistan - 19 July 2021 28 April 2026
View DRP-10076-01 Lansoprazole Lansoquest 30 mg Delayed Release Capsule Proton Pump Inhibitor Friends Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd Pakistan Renewal 24 March 2024 28 April 2026
View DRP-10077 Rosuvastatin (As Calcium) Rosukon-20 20 mg Tablet - Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India Initial (Variation: PCPR Conversion) (Reconstruction) 04 October 2022 06 October 2025
View DRP-10077-01 Rosuvastatin (As Calcium) Bayvast 20 mg Tablet - Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India - 29 December 2021 06 October 2025
View DRP-10077-02 Rosuvastatin (as calcium) Rosunis 20 mg Tablet Antihyperlipidemic Magbro Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. India CLIDP Conversion 04 October 2023 06 October 2025
View DRP-10079 Tacrolimus (as monohydrate) Tacrocin 1mg Capsule - Intas Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 19 July 2021 27 October 2025
View DRP-10080 Ursodeoxycholic acid + Thiamine mononitrate Riboflavin Uruso 50mg/10mg/5mg Softgel Capsule - Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Korea - 21 July 2021 11 April 2026
View DRP-10081 Domperidone Vometa 5 mg/5 mL Suspension Propulsive PT Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals Indonesia Automatic Renewal (Variation: PCPR Conversion) 19 July 2021 14 November 2026
View DRP-10082 Gabapentin Onegaba 100 100 mg Capsule Antiepileptic Aurobindo Pharma Limited India Renewal 26 May 2022 19 May 2027
View DRP-10083 Gabapentin Onegaba 300 300 mg Capsule Antiepileptic Aurobindo Pharma Limited India Renewal 26 May 2022 19 May 2027
View DRP-10084 Gabapentin Onegaba 400 400 mg Capsule Antiepileptic Aurobindo Pharma Limited India Renewal 30 May 2022 19 May 2027
View DRP-10085 Rosuvastatin Calcium None 10 mg Film-Coated Tablet - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 19 July 2021 23 February 2025
View DRP-10085-01 Rosuvastatin Calcium None 10 mg Film-Coated Tablet - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 09 November 2021 23 February 2025