Human Drugs

× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 10021 to 10040 of 32536
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRHR-653 Castor Oil None None None Laxative/Cathartic Telstar Manufacturing Corp. Philippines Automatic Renewal 21 July 2023 27 August 2028
View DRHR-656 Isopropyl Alcohol Michael 70% Liquid Form Antiseptic / Disinfectant G.V. Cosmetics, Inc. Philippines Renewal 31 October 2023 29 November 2028
View DRHR-661 Essence Eucalyptus Apollo None Oil - Telstar Manufacturing Corporation Philippines - 14 November 2019 20 November 2024
View DRHR-662 MENTHOL + SALICYLIC ACID + ZINC OXIDE + RESORCINOL + PRECIPITATED SULFUR 400mg/1.5g/3g/3g/3g per 30g CREAM ITCH-AWAY Each 30g contains: Menthol …. 0.40g Salicylic Acid…… 1.50g Resorcinol….. 3.00g Zinc Oxide…. 3.00g Precipitated Sulfur….. 3.00g CREAM Antipruritic J. CHEMIE LABORATORIES, INC. Philippines Automatic Renewal 28 December 2021 28 November 2026
View DRHR-677 Methyl Salicylate Unbranded 0.0098 Topical Oil Counterirritant Telstar Manufacturing Corporation Philippines Renewal 15 February 2024 02 April 2029
View DRHR-69 Methyl Salicylate None 65 mL / 100 mL Liniment - International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 12 May 2021 03 May 2026
View DRHR-697 Aluminum Hydroxide + Magnesium Hydroxide Maalox No. 1 200mg / 200mg Chewable Tablet - Sanofi-Aventis S.p.A. Italy - 16 June 2020 17 June 2025
View DRHR-698 Aluminum hydroxide/ Magnesium hydroxide Maalox 225mg/ 200mg per 5mL Suspension Antacid Sanofi S.p.A Italy - 13 January 2022 18 March 2027
View DRHR-699 Paracetamol Naprex 120 mg / 5 mL Suspension (Melon Flavor) - Amherst Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 17 December 2020 07 December 2025
View DRHR-7 Camphor + Menthol Sanitary Balm Camphor 15g + Menthol 4.4g / 100g Ointment Rubefacient/Counterirritant Blooming Stars Enterprises Philippines Renewal 21 March 2023 28 January 2028
View DRHR-704 Isopropyl Alcohol Doctor J 0.7 Solution - Kohl Industries Corporation Philippines - 09 September 2020 22 September 2025
View DRHR-705 (Medicated Solution) Methyl Salicylate, Menthol, Nux Vomica, Pinelliae Tuber, Drynaria, Liqouric, Huperzia Serrate, Pseudoginseng, Alcohol Bsi Medicated Spray 30.2mg, 78.1mg, 1.6mg, 1.6mg, 1.6mg, 1.6mg, 1.6mg, 1.6mg, 0.8mL Solution for Spray - Tu Fang Biotect & Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Taiwan - 14 October 2019 14 October 2024
View DRHR-710 Methyl Salicylate + L-Menthol + Dl-Camphor + Vanillylamide Nonylate Ammeltz 5g/5.2g/5.2g/8mg per 100 mL Liniment - Sendai Kobayashi Pharm. Co., Ltd. Japan - 20 August 2020 26 January 2025
View DRHR-712 Ascorbic Acid Ceelin 100mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) - Amherst Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 18 June 2020 06 April 2025
View DRHR-717 Carbocisteine Solmux 500 mg Capsule Mucolytics United Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 10 October 2022 02 April 2028
View DRHR-72 Aromatic Spirit Of Ammonia None Each 100 mL contains: Ammonium Bicarbonate 3.4 g; Ammonium Water Strong 3.6 mL Solution Mild Circulatory Stimulant Telstar Manufactruing Corporation Philippines Renewal 03 July 2021 08 July 2026
View DRHR-720 Carbocisteine Solmux Forte 500mg/ 5mL Suspension - Amherst Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 17 March 2021 07 February 2026
View DRHR-726 Methyl Salicylate + Menthol + Camphor Evergreen Oil 17.20g/0.45 g/4.30 g per 100mL Oil - Ace Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Philippines - 19 November 2021 29 July 2025
View DRHR-731 Ascorbic Acid Ceelin Chewables 100 mg Chewable Tablet Vitamin UNILAB, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 27 April 2021 05 May 2026
View DRHR-735 Troclosene Sodium Aquatabs 67mg Effervescent Water Purification Tablet Water Disinfectant Medentech Limited Ireland Automatic Renewal 12 March 2021 16 December 2025