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Product Information -
Registration Number VR-MD0116
Generic Name Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Virus Antibody Detection Kit (Vet.)
Brand Name Priocheck FMDV NS Ab Strip
Dosage Strength None
Dosage Form None
Classification None
Packaging Each box contains: Test Plate x 5's + Conjugate (30x) x 2.2 mL + Dilution Buffer (2x) x 60 mL + Additive x 2.5 mL (Box of 5's) + Demineralized Water x 10 mL (Box of 2's)+ Washing Fluid (200x) x 60 mL + Positive Control x 3.2 mL + Weak Positive Control x 3.2 mL + Negative Control 3.2 mL + Chromogen (TMB) Substrate x 60 mL + Stop Solution x 60 mL
Pharmacologic Category Veterinary Diagnostic Kit (IVD) [Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay]
Manufacturer Prionics Lelystad B.V.
Country of Origin Netherlands
Trader Life Technologies Holdings Pte. Ltd.
Importer Infinnomed Enterprise
Distributor Infinnomed Enterprise
Application Type Initial (Vet.)
Issuance Date 10 May 2024
Expiry Date 10 May 2029