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Product Information -
Registration Number VR-MD0081
Generic Name Id Screen® Influenza H5 Antibody Competition
Brand Name Avian Influenza A Virus H5 Antibody Test Kit (Vet.)
Dosage Strength N/A
Dosage Form Diagnotics Kit
Classification None
Packaging Each box contains: Coated Microplates x 2's + Positive Control x 1 mL + Negative Control x 1 mL + Dilution Buffer 14 x 60 mL + Conjugate 10x x 3 mL + Dilution Buffer 3 x 60 mL Wash Solution 20x x 60 mL + Substrate Solution x 60 mL Stop Solution x 60 mL; and FDA Coated Microplates x 5's+ Positive Control x 1 mL (Box of 2's) Negative Control x 1 mL (Box of 2's) + Dilution Buffer 14 x 60 mL + Conjugate 10x x 3 mL (Box of 2's) + Dilution Buffer 3 x 60 mL Wash Solution 20x x 60 mL + Substrate Solution x 60 mL + Stop Solution x 60 mL
Pharmacologic Category Veterinary Diagnostic Kit
Country of Origin France
Importer Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc.
Distributor Lifeline Diagnostics Supplies, Inc.
Application Type Initial (Vet.)
Issuance Date 09 January 2024
Expiry Date 09 January 2029