
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 41 to 60 of 34561
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View BR-1080 Tinzaparin Sodium Innohep 10000 anti-Xa IU/mL Solution For Injection (SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Leo Pharma A/S Denmark Initial (Variation) 12 December 2022 12 December 2027
View BR-1085 Streptokinase Thromboflux 1,500,000IU Lyophilized Powder For Injection IV Prescription Drug (RX) Anti-thrombotic Agent Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited India Renewal 31 May 2024 21 September 2029
View BR-1084_PI_01.pdf BR-1084 Quadrivalent Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (Split) Virion, Inactivated) 2024 Southern Hemisphere Strain. Fluquadri Formulation: Each dose (0.5 mL) contains the following influenza strains*: A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1) pdm09-like strain 15 μg of HA** (A/Victoria/4897/2022, IVR-238) A/Thailand/8/2022 (H3N2)-like strain 15 μg of HA** (A/California/122/2022, SAN-022) B/Austria/1359417/2021-like strain 15 μg of HA** (B/Michigan/01/2021, wild type) B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata lineage)-like virus 15 μg of HA** (B/Phuket/3073/2013, wild type) *Propagated in embryonated chicken eggs Suspension for Injection (IM) Prescription Drug (Rx) Vaccines Sanofi Pasteur U.S.A Monitored Release (Strain Clearance) 05 April 2024 05 April 2025
View BR-1087 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whole Cell), Hepatitis B (IDNA) and Haemophilus influenzae Type B Conjugate Vaccine (Adsorbed) Shan 5 Formulation: Each dose (0.5 mL) contains: Diphtheria toxoid->30IU Tetanus toxoid->60IU Bordetella pertussis (Whole Cell)-> 4 IU Hepatitis B (r-DNA) surface antigen-10ug Purified capsular polysaccharide of Hib conjugated to 20-40 mcg Tetanus toxoid (carrier protein)-10ug Suspension for Injection (IM) Prescription Drug (RX) Vaccines Shantha Biotechnics Limited India Initial (from Monitored Release) 07 June 2022 05 June 2025
View BR-1088 Insulin Human (rDNA) Insuget 70/30 100 IU/mL Suspension for Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Getz Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Pakistan - 22 October 2020 06 January 2025
View BR-1089 Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella Vaccine (Live) Proquad Each dose (0.5 mL) contains: Measles virus (Edmonston B) 3.00 log TCID50* Mumps virus (Jeryl Lynn B level)4.30 log TCID50 Rubella virus (Wistar RA 27/3) 3.00 log TCID50 Varicella virus (Oka/Merck) 3.99 PFU** *50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose **Plaque Forming Units Lyophilized Powder For Solution For Injection (SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Vaccines Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC U.S.A Initial (from Monitored Release) [Correction] 11 March 2024 09 June 2025
View BR-1091 Epoetin beta Recormon 2,000 I.U./0.3mL Solution for Injection (S.C./I.V.) Prescription Drug (Rx) Antianemic Preparations Roche Diagnostic GmbH Germany Renewal 18 September 2021 05 November 2026
View BR-1093 Alteplase Actilyse 50 mg Powder for Solution for Infusion (IV Prescription Drug (RX) - Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG Germany Initial (Variation) 19 September 2022 19 September 2027
View BR-1095 Infliximab Remicade 100 mg Powder For Concentrate For Solution For Infusion Prescription Drug (RX) Immunosuppressant Cilag AG Switzerland Regular Renewal 19 March 2021 19 January 2025
View BR-1096 Menothropin Menopur 1200 IU Lyophilized Powder For Injection (SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Ferring GmbH Germany - 18 March 2022 26 June 2025
View BR-1098 Enoxaparin sodium Lomoh-60 60 mg/0.6 mL Solution for Injection (S.C.) Prescription (Rx) Drug Antithrombotic Agent Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India Renewal (Correction) 17 November 2023 30 June 2025
View BR-1099 Enoxaparin Sodium Lomoh - 40 40 mg/0.4 mL Solution For Injection (S.C.) Prescription Drug (RX) - Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India - 16 September 2021 30 June 2025
View BR-1101_PI_01.pdf BR-1101 Tocilizumab Actemra 162 mg/ 0.9 mL Solution For Injection (SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG Germany - 08 March 2022 28 July 2025
View BR-1102 Insulin Human (rDNA) Insuget-N 100 IU/mL Suspension for Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Getz Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Pakistan - 22 October 2020 06 January 2025
View BR-1103 Insulin Human (rDNA) Insuget-R 100 IU/mL Suspension for Injection (IM/IV/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Getz Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Pakistan - 22 October 2020 06 January 2025
View BR-1106 Insulin Human (rDNA) SciLin R 100 IU/mL Solution for Injection (IV/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Bioton S.A. Poland - 26 February 2021 28 January 2025
View BR-1107 Insulin Human (DNA) Scilin R 100 IU/mL Solution for Injection (IV/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Bioton S.A. Poland Renewal 18 October 2021 28 January 2025
View BR-1117 Heparin Sodium Heprin 5000IU/mL Solution For Injection (IV/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - Gland Pharma Limited India Renewal 14 May 2021 25 May 2025
View BR-1121 Trastuzumab Herceptin 600 mg/ 5 mL (120 mg/ mL) Solution For Injection (SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Switzerland Regular Renewal (Compliance) 07 March 2022 29 September 2025
View BR-1122 Rituximab Mabthera 1400 mg/ 11.7 mL Solution For Injection (SC) Prescription Drug (RX) - F. Hoffman-La Roche AG Switzerland Regular Renewal (Compliance) 18 February 2022 29 September 2025