
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 3841 to 3860 of 34558
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DR-XY38276_PI_01.pdf DR-XY38276 Everolimus Afinitor 10 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) Antineoplastic Agent (Protein Kinase Inhibitor) Novartis Pharma Stein AG Switzerland Renewal 21 July 2023 22 July 2028
View DR-XY38291 Phenylephrine Hydrochloride + Brompheniramine Maleate Coldenflu 1 mg/0.8 mg per mL Syrup (Oral Drops) Prescription Drug (RX) - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 28 September 2020 23 July 2025
View DR-XY38297_PI_01.pdf DR-XY38297 Levonorgestrel + Ethinylestradiol; Ferrous Fumarate Protec 150 mcg/30 mcg; 60 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - HLL Lifecare Ltd. India Automatic Renewal 15 September 2022 16 November 2027
View DR-XY38298 Pantoprazole(As Sodium) Pantopraz 40 mg Enteric-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Domesco Medical Import Export Joint-Stock Corp. Vietnam - 03 August 2020 26 July 2025
View DR-XY38299 Guaifenesin None 200 mg Softgel Capsule Over-the-Counter (OTC) - Northfield Laboratories., Inc. Philippines - 19 June 2020 26 July 2025
View DR-XY38306 Amlodipine (As Besilate) Amo 10 10 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Delta Pharma Limited Bangladesh - 29 July 2020 28 July 2025
View DR-XY38313 Marfen Mefenamic Acid 500 mg Capsule Prescription Drug (RX) - Sydenham Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 14 May 2021 30 July 2025
View DR-XY38322 Eraxis Anidulafungin 100 mg Lyophilized Powder For Injection (IV Infusion) Prescription Drug (RX) - Pharmacia and Upjohn Company LLC U.S.A. - 25 June 2020 03 August 2025
View DR-XY38324 Cardilol Carvedilol 12.5 mg Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 17 May 2021 03 August 2025
View DR-XY38329 Clopidogrel (as bisulfate) Trombix 75mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) - Standard Chem. & Pharm. Co. Ltd. Taiwan - 14 September 2020 04 August 2025
View DR-XY38330 Dobutamine (as hydrochloride) Dobunex 50 mg/mL (250 mg/5mL) Solution For Injection Prescription Drug (RX) Adrenergic Agent Swiss Pharma Pvt. Ltd. India Renewal 28 June 2023 04 August 2028
View DR-XY38340 Amlodipine (as besilate) Vasocar 10 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 17 August 2020 10 August 2025
View DR-XY38345 Clopidogrel Clotfre 75 mg Film Coated Tablets Prescription Drug (RX) - Raptakos Brett & Co. Ltd India - 03 September 2020 06 August 2025
View DR-XY38353 Ambroxol (As Hydrochloride) Broxiphem 30 mg/5 mL Syrup Prescription Drug (RX) - Lloyd Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 22 July 2020 10 August 2025
View DR-XY38376 Mesalazine Pentasa 1g Suppository Prescription Drug (RX) - Ferring International Center SA Switzerland Initial (from Monitored-Release) 09 June 2023 21 June 2027
View DR-XY38389 Sodium Valproate + Valproic Acid Valpros 500 mg Controlled Release Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India - 20 August 2021 19 August 2025
View DR-XY38394 Amoxicillin Harbimox 500 mg Capsule Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterials (Penicillins with extended spectrum) Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Bioengineering Co., Ltd. China Renewal 21 June 2022 20 August 2027
View DR-XY38406 Dobutamine (As Hydrochloride) Dobuzef 50 mg /mL (250mg/5mL) Solution For Injection For I.V. Infusion Prescription Drug (RX) - Union Korea Pharm Co., Ltd Korea - 27 July 2020 20 August 2025
View DR-XY38420 Methylergometrine (As Maleate) Utergin 200 mcg/mL Solution For Injection (Im/Iv) Prescription Drug (Rx) - Oboi Laboratories India Automatic Renewal 23 September 2020 31 August 2025
View DR-XY38425 Vancomycin (as Hydrochloride) Vancom 1g Powder for Injection (IV) Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Glycopeptide) 2 World Laboratories India Renewal 14 June 2022 25 August 2025