
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Records 34461 to 34480 of 34561
Product Information
Registration Number
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Dosage Form
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Expiry Date
View VRP-292 Norfloxacin (Vet.) Farmaflox PS 70g/ 100 g Powder for Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) - Farmabase Saúde Animal Ltda. Brazil Renewal (Vet.) 28 July 2022 19 July 2027
View VRP-293 Florfenicol (Vet.) Farmaflor 4g/100g Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Amphenicol) Farmabase Saúde Animal Ltda. Brazil Renewal (Vet.) 19 July 2022 19 July 2027
View VRP-294 Enramycin (Vet.) Enrabase 8g/100g Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) - Shandong Shengli Bioengineering Co. Ltd. China Renewal (Vet.) 19 July 2022 19 July 2027
View VRP-295 Norfloxacin + Kaolin (Vet.) Farm aflox 70 70 g/ 30 g per 100 g Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Fluoroquinolone)/Adsorbent Farmabase Saúde Animal Ltda. Brazil Renewal 20 July 2022 20 July 2027
View VRP-296 Tilmicosin (Vet.) Hibac 50 g/ 100 g Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) - Farmabase Saúde Animal Ltda. Brazil Renewal [Vet.) 20 July 2022 20 July 2027
View VRP-297 Lincomycin (Vet.) Lincofarm TR 44 g/ 100 g Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) - Farmabase Saúde Animal Ltda. Brazil Renewal [Vet.) 21 July 2022 21 July 2027
View VRP-298 Salinomycin + Diclazuril (Vet.) Coxifarm Plus 21.6 g/ 300 mg per 100 g Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Antiparasitic/Antiprotozoal (Pyranes and Hydropanes/Triazine) Farmabase Saúde Animal Ltda. Brazil Renewal (Vet.) 22 July 2022 22 July 2027
View VRP-299 Florfenicol (Vet.) Lorfen-30 300 mg/mL Solution For Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Amphenicols) Hebei Yuanzheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Initial [Revalidation] (Vet.) (Reconstruction) 13 August 2024 27 May 2025
View VRP-301 Doxycycline + Kaolin (Vet.) FB Doxi 50 g/100g Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Tetracycline/Intestinal Adsorbents) Farmabase Saude Animal Ltda. Brazil Renewal (Vet. ) 02 August 2022 02 August 2027
View VRP-302 Sulfachlorpyridazine + Trimethoprim (Vet.) Tirmeclor 62.5g/12,5g per 100 g Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) - A3 - CheATER Brazil Renewal [Vet.] 02 August 2022 02 August 2027
View VRP-303 Bacitracin (Vet.) Zambac MD Soluble 100 g/kg Powder for Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial Lifecome Biochemistry Co., Ltd. China Renewal 03 August 2022 03 August 2027
View VRP-304 Robenidine (Vet.) Zamidine 100 100 g/kg Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Antiparasitic (Other Antiprotozoal) Jiangsu Ouke Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal [Vet.) 05 August 2022 05 August 2027
View VRP-305 Clopidol (Vet.) Zamidol 250 250 g/kg Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) - Jiangsu Ouke Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal [Vet.) 05 August 2022 05 August 2027
View VRP-306 Enramycin (Vet.) Zamivet 40 40 g/kg Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) - Jiangsu Ouke Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal (Vet.) 05 August 2022 05 August 2027
View VRP-307 Bacitracin (as Zinc Bacitracin) (Vet.) Zambac ZN 150 150 g/kg Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Cyclic Polypeptide) Jiangsu Ouke Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal (Vet.) 05 August 2022 05 August 2027
View VRP-308 Bacillus subtilis + Bacillus licheniformis (Vet.) Zamipro SL Formulation: Each gram contains: Bacillus subtilis ...................... 2 x 10^10 CFU Bacillus licheniformis .............. 2 x 10^10 CFU Feed Premix Powder Over-the-Counter (OTC) Gut Flora Stabilizer Lifecome Biochemistry Co., Ltd. China Renewal (Vet.) 10 August 2022 10 August 2027
View VRP-309 Bacitracin (as methylene disalicylate) (Vet.) Zambac MD 100 100 g/kg Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial Lifecome Biochemistry Co. Ltd. China Renewal Vet.) 08 August 2022 08 August 2027
View VRP-310 Bacillus subtilis + Bacillus licheniformis + Lactobacillus plantarum (Vet.) Zamipro LSL Formulation: Each gram contains: Bacillus subtilis.......... Bacillus licheniformis................................................................*************************** Lactobacillus plantarum .............. > 4.10 cfu > 4.109cfu >1 x 108 cfu Feed Premix Powder Over-the-Counter (OTC) Gut Flora Stabilizer Shanghai Chuangbo Ecological Engineering Co., Ltd. China Renewal 08 August 2022 08 August 2027
View VRP-311 Zamuril 5 Zamuril 5 5 g per kg Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Antiprotozoal (Anticoccidial) Shijizhuang Shimu Animal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal (Vet.) 08 August 2022 08 August 2027
View VRP-312 Decoquinate (Vet.) Zamiquin 60 60 g per kg Feed Premix Powder Prescription Drug (RX) Other Antiprotozoals Guangdong Cocan Bio-pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China Renewal (Vet.) 10 August 2022 10 August 2027