
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
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View VR-4126 Live Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Virus Vaccine (Vet.) : Nobilis Gumboro 228E Nobilis Gumboro 228E Formulation: Each 1 mL (dose) contains: Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Virus (228E Strain) EID-Embryo Effective Dose > 2 102 EID 50 Lyophilized Powder for Oral Suspension Prescription Drug (RX) - Merck Sharp & Dohme Animal Health, S.L. Spain - 24 February 2022 29 December 2026
View VR-4128 Live Newcastle Disease (ND) Virus Vaccine (Vet.) Nobilis ND Clone 30 Each dose contains: Newcastle Disease Virus (Lasota, Clone 30 Strain)->log^6 ELD50 ELD-Embryo Lethal Dose Lyophilized Powder for Suspension (Aerosol/Oral/Intranasal/Intraocular) Prescription Drug (RX) - Merck Sharp & Dohme Animal Health, S.L. Spain - 24 February 2022 29 December 2026
View VR-4129 Inactivated Turkey Rhinotracheitis Virus Vaccine (Vet.) Hipraviar TRT Formulation: Each 0.5 mL (dose) contains: Turkey Rhinotracheitis Virus (1062 Strain) .......... >196 Titre expressed in ELISA Units ELISA - Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Emulsion for Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Laboratorios Hipra, S.A. Spain Renewal Vet. 28 December 2021 28 December 2026
View VR-4130 Inactivated Pasteurella multocida + Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Vaccine (Vet.) Neumosuin Formulation: Each 2 mL (dose) contains: Pasteurella multocida (Type A)... ............ 8 x 10^9 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (Serotype 2) ............ >1/4 MAT Titer Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (Serotype 4)............. >1/4 MAT Titer Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (Serotype 5) ............. > 1/4 MAT Titer MAT - Microagglutination Test Suspension for Injection (IM) Prescription Drug (RX) - Laboratorios Hipra, S.A. Spain - 28 December 2021 28 December 2026
View VR-4127 Inactivated Infectious Bronchitis (IB) Virus + Avian Rhinotracheitis (ART) Virus + Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Virus + Newcastle Disease (ND) Virus Vaccine (Vet.) Nobilis RT + IB MULTI + G + ND Formulation: Each 0.5 mL (dose) contains: Infectious Bronchitis (IBD) Virus (Massachusetts Type, M41 Strain) Infectious Bronchitis (D274/D207 Type, 249g Strain) Avian Rhinotracheitis (ART) Virus (BUTI #8544 Strain) Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Virus (D78 Strain) Newcastle Disease (ND) Virus (Lasota, Clone 30 Strain) HI - Hemaglutination Inhibition VN - Virus Neutralization PD - Protective Dose ELISA-Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay > 4 log2 VN Units > 4 log 2 VN Units > 9.5 log, ELISA Units > 14.5 log2 VN Units 250 PD50/4log, HI Units per 1750 Emulsion for Injection ection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Merck Sharp & Dohme Animal Health, S.L. Spain Renewal 24 February 2022 29 December 2026
View VR-4131 Modified Live Recombinant Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) + Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (CAV-2) + Canine Parvovirus (CPV) + Canine Parainfluenza Virus (CPIV) + Canine Coronavirus Vaccine (CCV) (Vet.) Recombitek C4/CV Each dose 1.0 mL of vaccine contains the following through expiration: Active Ingredients: Canarypox/ Canine distemper virus recombinant, CP258, Rentschler/Onderstepoort strain, at least ................................................................................... >106.4TCID50 Canine adenovirus type 2, Toronto A/26/61 strain, at least ...................... >104.3 TCID50 Canine parvovirus, 780916 strain, at least ............................................. >103.3 FAID50 Canine parainfluenza virus, D-008 strain, at least ................................... >103.9 TCID50 Canine coronavirus, K-378/51 strain, at least........................................... >103.6 TCID50 "TCID-Tissue Culture Infective Dose "FAID- Fluorescent Antibody Infective Dess Lyophilized Powder for Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. U.S.A. Renewal 16 February 2022 16 February 2027
View VR-4132 Modified Live Recombinant Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) + Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (CAV-2) + Canine Parvovirus (CPV) + Canine Parainfluenza Virus (CPIV) Vaccine + Inactivated Leptospira interrogans ser. Canicola + Leptospira interrogans ser. Icterohaemorrhagiae Vaccine (Vet.) Recombitek C6 Each 1.0 mL dose of vaccine contains the following through expiration: Active Ingredients: Canine Distemper, Canarypox Vector .............................................. ≥106.4 TCID50 Canine Adenovirus Type 2 ............................................................. ≥104.3 TCID50 Canine Parainfluenza .................................................................... ≥103.9 TCID50 Canine Parvovirus ........................................................................ ≥103.3 FAID50 Leptospira canicola ....................................................... ≥40 nephelometric units Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae ...................................... ≥30 nephelometric units *TCID-Tissue Culture Infective Dose **FAID. Fluorescent Antibody Infective Dose ***NTU- Nephelometric Units Lyophilized Powder for Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. U.S.A. Renewal 16 February 2022 16 February 2027
View VR-4133 Modified Live Recombinant Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) + Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (CAV-2) + Canine Parvovirus (CPV) + Canine Parainfluenza Virus (CPIV) + Canine Coronavirus (CCV) + Inactivated Leptospira interrogans ser. Canicola + Leptospira interrogans ser. Icterohaemorrhagiae Vaccine (Vet.) Recombitek C6/CV 1 dose of 1 ml vaccine contains: Lyophilized: Canine Distemper, Canarypox Vector, at least . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106.4 TCID50 Canine Adenovirus Type 2, Toronto A/26/61 strain, at least. . . . . . . . . . . . 104.3 TCID50 Canine Parainfluenza virus, D-008 strain, at least . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.9 TCID50 Canine Coronavirus, K-378/51 strain, at least . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.6 TCID50 Canine Parvovirus, 780916 strain, at least . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.3 FAID50 Liquid: Leptospira canicola, strain 1503, at least . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 NU Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, strain 1518, at least. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 NU Lyophilized Powder for Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. U.S.A. Renewal 16 February 2022 16 February 2027
View VR-4134 Live Recombinant Marek's Disease (MD) + Newcastle Disease (ND) Vaccine (Vet.) Vectormune HVT NDV & Rispens Formulation: Each dose (In-Ovo/SC) contains: Marek's Disease serotype 3 (FC-126 Strain)-Newcastle Disease (F gene, D-26 - >2474 PFU* Lentogenic Strain) Marek's Disease Virus, serotype 1 (CV1988 Strain)- >1206 PFU* *PFL-Plaque Forming Units Suspension for Injection (In-Ovo/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Biomune Company U.S.A. Renewal 11 February 2022 11 February 2027
View VR-4135 Inactivated Mesomycoplasma hyopneumoniae Vaccine (Vet.) Mypravac SUIS Formulation: Each 2 mL (dose) contains: Mesomycoplasma hyopneumoniae (J Strain)..... 21 ED80 Guinea Pig 1 ED80 - 1/4 dose of vaccine administered twice with an interval of 15 days induces seroconversion (M. hvopneumoniae specific antibodies) in (at least) 80% of the laboratory animals Suspension For Injection (IM) Prescription Drug (RX) - Laboratorios Hipra, S.A. Spain - 31 December 2021 31 December 2026
View VR-4136 Live Newcastle Disease (ND) Virus Vaccine (Vet.) Hipraviar CLON Formulation: Each 0.03 mL (dose) contains: Newcastle Disease (ND) Virus (Clone CL/79, La Sota Strain) ........... > 10^6.5 EID30 EID - Egg Infective Dose Freeze-Dried Tablet for Suspension (Oral/Intranasal/Intraocular/Aerosol) Prescription Drug (RX) - Laboratorios Hipra, S.A. Spain Renewal [Vet.] (Reconstruction) 22 November 2022 19 January 2027
View VR-4137 Live Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Virus Vaccine (Vet.) Poulvac Bursa F Formulation: Each dose contains: Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) Virus .......... > 10 EID50 EID - Egg Infective Dose Freeze-Dried Powder for Oral Suspension Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Zoetis Indústria de Produtos Veterinários Ltda. Brazil Renewal 21 January 2022 21 January 2027
View VR-4138 Calcium Carbonate + Phosphorus + Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) (Vet.) Calphomin 72 mg/13 mg/100 IU per mL Oral Suspension Over-The-Counter (OTC) Vitamin/Minerals Jickstar Pharma Inc. Philippines Initial 24 January 2022 24 January 2027
View VR-4139 Phosphate Buffer Saline Solution (Vet.) Solvens Oculo/Nasal Each mL contains: Sodium Chloride ....................7.65 mg Disodium Phosphate Dihydrate .................. 0.72 mg Disodium Edetate......................... 0.50 mg Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate ............................ 0.37 mg Patent Blue V................................... 0.17 mg Water for Injection ..................... 990.59 mg Sterile Solution (Intranasal/Intraocular) Prescription Drug (Rx) Veterinary Vaccine (Diluent) Merck Sharp & Dohme Animal Health, S.L. Spain Initial 18 February 2022 18 February 2027
View VR-4140 Inactivated Porcine Circovirus (PCV) + Mesomycoplasma hyopneumoniae Vaccine (Vet.) Fostera Gold PCV-MH Formulation: Each 2 mL (dose) contains: Porcine Circovirus (Genotype 1 and Type 2, 2b Chimera)........ 1>.3 RP Mesomycoplasma hyopneumoniae (P-5722-3 Strain).............. > 1.8 RP RP - Relative Potency Emulsion for Injection (IM) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Zoetis Inc. U.S.A. Renewal (Vet.] 25 January 2022 25 January 2027
View VR-4141 Live Recombinant Marek's Disease Virus (MDV) + Newcastle Disease (ND) Virus Vaccine (Vet.) Poulvac Procerta HVT-ND Formulation: Each dose contains: Marek's Disease Virus (HVT Strain, Serotype 3) ....................... >3,777 PFU Newcastle Disease (ND) Virus (F Gene, Lentogenic Strain) ......... > 3,739 PFU PFU – Plaque Forming Unit Suspension for Injection (In-Ovo/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Zoetis Inc. U.S.A. Renewal 25 January 2022 25 January 2027
View VR-4142 Inactivated Infectious Bronchitis (IB) Virus + Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS) Virus + Newcastle Disease (NCD) Virus Vaccine (Vet.) Nobilis IB Multi + ND + EDS Formulation: Each 0.5 mL contains: Infectious Bronchitis Virus (M41 Strain)..........>4 log^2* VN Infectious Bronchitis Virus (249G Strain)..............>4 log^2* VN Egg Drop Syndrome Virus (BC14 Strain)...............>6.5 log^2* HI Newcastle Disease Virus (Clone 30 Strain).......................>4 log^2 HI per 1/50th of a dose Or > 50 PDs** Fornaldehyde remnants <0.05% *According to Potency (ELISA) **PD50 - Protective dose VN - Virus Neutralization HI - Hemaglutination Inhibition Emulsion for Injection (IM/SC) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Merck Sharp & Dohme Animal Health, S.L. Spain Renewal 27 January 2022 27 January 2027
View VR-4143 Escherichia coli Live Culture Vaccine (Vet.) Poulvac EC Formulation: Each dose contains: Escherichia coli (Serotype 078, EC#4195 Strain) ..................>1.7 x 10^2 CFU CFU - Colony Forming Unit Freeze-Dried Powder for Suspension (Oral/Aerosol) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Zoetis Inc. U.S.A Renewal (Vet.) correction 14 February 2023 27 January 2027
View VR-4144 Chlortetracycline + Tylvalosin + Multivitamins (Vet.) ARN Protector Plus Formulation: Each gram contains: Chlortetracycline (as Hydrochloride) ..... 50 mg Tylvalosin (as Tartrate).................... 8.5 mg Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) ............... 1.5 mg Retinol (Vitamin A) ..................... 344 mcg Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) ............ 2 mcg Powder for Oral Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial (Tetracycline/Macrolide)/Vitamins Agri Specialist, Inc. Philippines Initial 27 January 2022 27 January 2027
View VR-4146 Killed Mycoplasmoides gallisepticum Vaccine (Vet.) None Formulation: Each 0.5 mL (dose) contains: Mycoplasmoides gallisepticum (R-980 Strain)...................>5% Concentrated Antigen Emulsion for Injection (IM) Prescription Drug (RX) Veterinary Vaccine Zoetis Inc. U.S.A. Renewal 03 February 2022 03 February 2027