
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View HRP-220 Paracetamol Kidicef 100 mg/mL SYRUP (ORAL DROPS) Household Remedy (HR) ANALGESIC/ANTIPYRETIC Drugmakers Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 04 April 2022 19 May 2027
View HRP-220-01 Paracetamol None 100 mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) Household Remedy (HR) Analgesic/Antipyretic Drugmakers Laboratories Inc. Philippines Renewal 24 May 2022 19 May 2027
View HRP-220-02 Paracetamol Febrolex 100mg/mL Syrup (Oral drops) Household Remedy (HR) Analgesic/Antipyretic Drugmaker's Laboratories, Inc. Philippines CLIDP Conversion 29 July 2022 19 May 2027
View HRP-222 Paracetamol Kidicef 125mg/5mL Syrup (Caramel Flavor) Over-the-Counter (OTC) - Drugmakers Laboratories Inc. Philippines - 23 July 2020 13 June 2025
View HRP-222-01 Paracetamol Febrolex 125mg/5mL Syrup Household Remedy (HR) Analgesic/Antipyretic Drugmaker's Laboratories, Inc. Philippines CLIDP Conversion 29 July 2022 13 June 2025
View HRP-223-01 Carbocisteine None 100mg/5mL Syrup Household Remedy (HR) Mucolytic Drugmakers Laboratories Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 14 January 2023 03 January 2028
View HRP-224 Carbocisteine Cemetol 500mg Capsule Household Remedy (HR) Mucolytic DRUGMAKER'S LABORATORIES, INC. Philippines Automatic Renewal 30 July 2021 05 October 2026
View HRP-225 Ascorbic Acid Unbranded 500 mg Chewable Tablet Household Remedy (HR) Vitamin La Croesus Pharma, Inc. Philippines Renewal 12 March 2024 20 February 2029
View HRP-226-01 Ascorbic Acid None 100mg/5mL Syrup Over-The-Counter (OTC) Vitamin Drugmakers Laboratories Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 09 January 2023 03 May 2028
View HRP-226-03 Ascorbic Acid Vitzee 100 mg/5 mL Syrup Household Remedy (HR) Vitamin Drugmaker's Laboratories, Inc Philippines Renewal 30 March 2023 03 May 2028
View HRP-227 Mucopoysaccharide polysulfate HIRUDOID 25,000 Units/100g Cream Household Remedy (HR) - Mobilat Produktions GmbH Germany Automatic Renewal 23 December 2020 22 March 2026
View HRP-229-02 Carbocisteine Cisflex 50 mg/mL Syrup (Oral Drops) Cherry Vanilla Flavor Household Remedy (HR) - Drugmaker's Laboratories, Inc Philippines CLIDP Conversion 03 November 2022 07 December 2027
View HRP-230_PIL_01.pdf HRP-230 Sodium Ascorbate Sm-Cee 562.43mg Capsule Household Remedy (HR) Vitamin San Marino Laboratories Corporation Philippines Automatic Renewal 18 September 2021 16 October 2026
View HRP-230-01_PIL_01.pdf HRP-230-01 Sodium Ascorbate Cetrasol 562.43mg Capsule Household Remedy (HR) VITAMIN San Marino Laboratories Corporation Philippines Automatic Renewal 14 February 2022 16 October 2026
View HRP-230-02 Sodium Ascorbate None 562.43mg Capsule Household Remedy (HR) Vitamin San Marino Laboratories Corporation Philippines Automatic Renewal 18 January 2022 16 October 2026
View HRP-230-03 Sodium Ascorbate Tru - Cee 562.43mg Capsule Household Remedy (HR) Vitamin San Marino Laboratories Corporation Philippines Automatic Renewal 20 December 2021 16 October 2026
View HRP-231 Povidone Iodine None 10% Solution 10% SOLUTION Household Remedy (HR) - J. Chemie Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 14 December 2020 05 December 2025
View HRP-231-01 Povidone Iodine None 10% Solution Household Remedy (HR) - J. Chemie Laboratories, Inc. Philippines - 02 February 2021 05 December 2025
View HRP-232 BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE None 125 mg/100 mL (0.125% w/v) Solution Household Remedy (HR) Antiseptic/Disinfectant J. CHEMIE LABORATORIES, INC. Philippines Automatic Renewal 15 June 2021 18 June 2026
View HRP-233 Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Solution None Each 100mL contains: Hydrogen peroxide …… 3g Solution Household Remedy (HR) Antiseptic / Disinfectant J. Chemie Laboratory, Inc Philippines Renewal 31 May 2022 22 May 2027