
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
Generic Name
Brand Name
Dosage Strength
Dosage Form
Pharmacologic Category
Country of Origin
Application Type
Issuance Date
Expiry Date
View DRP-8856-01 Hydrocortisone (as acetate) Korticare 10 mg/g (1%) Topical Ointment Prescription Drug (Rx) Corticosteroid Zhejiang Jingwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. China CLIDP Conversion 20 June 2022 02 July 2025
View DRP-8857 Ketorolac Trometamol Ketorzac 30mg/mL Solution For Injection (Iv/Im) Prescription Drug (RX) - HBM Pharma S.R.O. Slovak Republic Initial 02 July 2020 02 July 2025
View DRP-8857-01 Ketorolac Trometamol Ketodol 30 mg/mL Solution for Injection (IM/IV) Prescription Drug (Rx) Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory (Acetic Acid Derivative Drug) HBM Pharma S.R.O Slovakia - 11 October 2021 02 July 2025
View DRP-8858 Irinotecan Hydrochloride Iritanz 20mg/Ml Solution For Iv Infusion Prescription Drug (RX) Prescription Drug (Rx) Qilu Pharmaceutical Hainan Co., Ltd. China Renewal 12 August 2024 02 July 2030
View DRP-8858-01 Irinotecan hydrochloride Ventera 20 mg/mL Solution for IV Infusion Prescription Drug (Rx) - Qilu Pharmaceutical Hainan Co., Ltd. China CLIDP Conversion 24 January 2023 02 July 2025
View DRP-8859 Irinotecan Hydrochloride Iritanz 20mg/Ml Solution For Iv Infusion Prescription Drug (RX) Antineoplastic agent Qilu Pharmaceutical Hainan Co., Ltd. China Renewal 12 August 2024 02 July 2030
View DRP-8859-01 Irinotecan Hydrochloride Ventera 20 mg/mL Solution for IV Infusion Prescription Drug (Rx) Antineoplastic agent Qilu Pharmaceutical Hainan Co., Ltd. China CLIDP Conversion 30 May 2024 02 July 2025
View DRP-8860 Loratadine Laradin 10 mg Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug - Fredun Pharmaceuticals Limited India Initial [OTC [Revalidation] 17 March 2023 18 May 2025
View DRP-8861 Cetirizine Dihydrochloride Ceticit 10mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) - Fredun Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Initial [OTC] [Revalidation] 17 March 2023 18 May 2025
View DRP-8862 Rocuronium Bromide Bronium 10mg/Ml Solution For IV Injection Prescription Drug (RX) - Sandoz Canada Incorporated Canada - 06 July 2020 06 July 2025
View DRP-8863 Multivitamins + Dextrose Multirich 500mL (25mg,250mg,500mg,125mg,32mg) equi to 25mg , 25mg, 625mg Solution For Iv Infusion Prescription Drug (RX) Nutrients Furen Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. China Initial 06 July 2020 06 July 2025
View DRP-8863-01 Multivitamins + Dextrose Goprime IV Solution for IV Infusion Prescription Drug (Rx) - Furen Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. China CLIDP Conversion 28 November 2022 06 July 2025
View DRP-8864 Multivitamins + Dextrose Multimeds 500mL Solution For IV Infusion Prescription Drug (RX) Nutrients Furen Pharmaceutical Group co., Ltd. China Initial 06 July 2020 06 July 2025
View DRP-8865 Diosmin + Hesperidin Veinxell 450mg/50mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) Vasoprotective XL Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. India Renewal 28 June 2024 19 May 2030
View DRP-8865-01 Diosmin + Hesperidin Varicure 450mg/50mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) Vasoprotective XL Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. India Renewal 04 August 2024 19 May 2030
View DRP-8865-02 Diosmin + Hesperidin Unbranded 450mg/50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug Vasoprotective XL Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. India Renewal 04 August 2024 19 May 2030
View DRP-8865-03 Diosmin + Hesperidin Vasocon 450mg/50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) - XL Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. India - 13 July 2021 19 May 2025
View DRP-8865-04 Diosmin + Hesperidin None 450mg/50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - XL Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. India - 06 October 2021 19 May 2025
View DRP-8865-05 Diosmin + Hesperidin Rhoids 450 mg/50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug - XL Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. India - 08 October 2021 19 May 2025
View DRP-8865-06 Diosmin + Hesperidin Hesperid 450 mg/50 mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug Vasoprotective XL Laboratories Pvt. Ltd India CLIDP Conversion 25 July 2024 19 May 2030