
× UPDATE! Updated as of 18 August 2024.
Product Information
Registration Number
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Expiry Date
View DRP-8639_PIL_01.pdf DRP-8639 Guaifenesin+Pheneylpropanolamine Hydrochloride+Chlorphenamine Maleate Pulmox 100mg/6.5mg/2mg Syrup Over-The-Counter (OTC) - San Marino Laboratories Corp. Philippines - 18 March 2020 18 March 2025
View DRP-864 Polymyxin B Sulfate + Neomycin Sulfate + Dexamethasone (As Sodium Phosphate) Rapidax 10,000 Units/5 mg/1 mg Per mL Otic Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial / Corticosteroid Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 18 March 2022 31 January 2028
View DRP-864-01 Polymyxin B Sulfate + Neomycin Sulfate + Dexamethasone (As Sodium Phosphate) Irodex 10,000 Units/5 mg/1 mg Per mL Otic Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial / Corticosteroid Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Renewal 08 April 2022 31 January 2028
View DRP-864-02 Polymyxin B Sulfate + Neomycin Sulfate + Dexamethasone (As Sodium Phosphate) Neotic 10,000 Units/5 mg/1 mg Per mL Otic Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacteial / Corticosteroid Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 05 April 2022 31 January 2028
View DRP-864-04 Polymyxin B Sulfate + Neomycin Sulfate + Dexamethasone(as Sodium Phosphate) Tricomb 10,000 units/5mg/1mg per mL Otic Solution Prescription Drug (RX) Antibacterial/Corticosteroid Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc. Philippines Automatic Renewal 15 March 2023 31 January 2028
View DRP-864-05 Polymyxin B Sulfate + Neomycin Sulfate + Dexamethasone (as Sodium Phosphate) Triloupe 10,000 units/5 mg/1 mg per mL Otic Solution Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial / Corticosteroid Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc Philippines - 01 April 2022 31 January 2028
View DRP-864-06 Polymyxin B Sulfate + Neomycin Sulfate + Dexamethasone (as Sodium Phosphate) PND-Care 10,000 units/5 mg/1 mg per mL Otic Solution Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial / Corticosteroid Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc. Philippines CLIDP Conversion 30 June 2024 31 January 2028
View DRP-8640 Azithromycin (as Dihydrate) Azcore 500mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 22 January 2020 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-01 Azithromycin (as Dihydrate) Zithrovee 500 mg Film Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India Initial 06 August 2021 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-02 Azithromycin (As Dihydrate) Azralid 500mg Film-coated tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 26 August 2021 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-03 Azithromycin (as dihydrate) Azicass 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial (Macrolide) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 27 September 2021 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-04 Azithromycin (as Dihydrate) Hithro 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (RX) - Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 26 October 2021 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-05 Azithromycin (as dihydrate) Gizith 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial (Macrolide) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India - 07 June 2022 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-06 Azithromycin (as dihydrate) Gozinat 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial (Macrolide) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India CLIDP Conversion 19 February 2024 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-07 Azithromycin (as dihydrate) Retamaxz 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial (Macrolide) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India CLIDP Conversion 21 March 2024 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-08 Azithromycin (as dihydrate) Rozenta 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial (Macrolide) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India CLIDP Conversion 05 May 2024 22 January 2025
View DRP-8640-09 Azithromycin (as dihydrate) Azimac 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Prescription Drug (Rx) Antibacterial (Macrolide) Theon Pharmaceuticals Limited India CLIDP Conversion 12 August 2024 22 January 2025
View DRP-8641 Hyoscine N-Butylbromide Paracetamol Zolnex Plus 10mg/500mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-The-Counter (OTC) - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines - 10 December 2021 23 January 2025
View DRP-8641-01 Hyoscine N-Butylbromide + Paracetamol Maskontrak 10 mg/ 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc., Philippines - 28 December 2021 23 January 2025
View DRP-8641-02 Hyoscine N-Butylbromide + Paracetamol HNBBGEN Plus 10 mg/ 500 mg Film-Coated Tablet Over-the-Counter (OTC) - Azarias Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc, Philippines - 28 December 2021 23 January 2025